I was wondering what is the best way to clean the C Drive in Windows XP??? I have an 80GB hardrive and it is almost full and I need to clear some space for other stuff, but don't want to clear every single thing on the drive. Just unused files and folders and stuff like that. If you kno of any programs that would help I'd appreciate it.

search google for "ATF Cleaner".. check if it will help

And there is a delete button your keyboard...
Now that might sound a bit flippant, but what software is going to know what is valuable to you, and what is not?

I was wondering what is the best way to clean the C Drive in Windows XP??? I have an 80GB hardrive and it is almost full and I need to clear some space for other stuff, but don't want to clear every single thing on the drive. Just unused files and folders and stuff like that. If you kno of any programs that would help I'd appreciate it.

Hi Anpippin, I had a similar problem with my C:\recycler\nprotect directory (a hidden directory containing deleted files. ) My computer had accumulated over 4 million of these hidden files and nearly filled my 80 gig drive. Solution: Download Pirisoft' CCLeaner (a free download), formerly called Crap Cleaner , then using include from the main menu, enter C:\recycler\nprotect in the right window. I recovered over 50% of my hard drive using this method. Good luck!

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1. I have good experience with CCleaner :
Download and install.. scan & fix. it has also a registry scanner.
2. Remove the old Windows update files if possible.
3. Try to move the paging file to a another drive.
4. Try to reduce the recycle bin for C:
5. Use the Windows Disk Cleanup.
6. Move or reduce the internet/temp files
7. Reduce disk usage of system restore .. .
cmd - > vssadmin list shadowstorage ->
vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /Maxsize="x"GB
etc. etc.

if this is not enough, buy a new harddisk :-)

btw, if you are going to scan & fix the register, always make a backup first ;-)
Good luck !

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