Does anyone out there know the command which removes
"\Documents & Settings\username" and displays just the c:\> and not c:\ Documents & Settings\username> ???

while your in command prompt you can type "cd .." to go up a directory. Just keep doing it until you hit c:

C:\PROGRA~1\Microsoft Analysis Services>set PROMPT=C:\$G

the command you use is prompt try
prompt $S$N$B
or try
prompt /? for more options
hope it helps

prompt $S$N$G
if you want to permanantly do it use the set command like in the previous post

Inside the command prompt, to go back to the root level, i.e. C:\ you just need to type:


cd c:\
But I like cd\
Any more?

Cheers, worked a treat!!!! thank you

You're welcome!

Please mark this thread as solved if you have found an answer to your question and good luck!

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