Have a compaq laptop. using windows 2000, It has Belkin wireless networking installed. I can get on internet when I hard wire to router but not using wireless. It recognizes router and trys to connect but comes back with limited or no connectivity message. "This problem occurred because the network did not assign a network address to the computer.
This Belkin thing was added by previous user and he tried to uninstall it, may be partially installed ? But it comes up at start up. Help please.

give us a printout of ur command prompts
c:/ipconfig /all

not sure if this is what you are talking about but.\
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name........... = PC264411574023
Primary Dns Suffix......=
Mode type..................= Hybrid
IP routing Enabled.....= No
Wins Proxy Enabled....= No
Ethernet adapter wireless network connection 2:
Cinnection Specific DNS suffis .. =
Descrio\ption..............................= Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN
physical address.........................= 00-14-A5-E8-7C-53
Dhcp enabled..............................= Yes
autoconfiguration enabled.........= Yes
autoconfiguration IP address.....=
subnet nask................................=
default gateway..........................=
Ethernet adapter Local area connection
media state.............................= Media disconnected
description...............................= Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast ethernet
Ethernet NIC
Physical address.........................= 00-16-D4-42-5A-2C

I would bootup in safe mode and de install the wireless networking from the os. Than boot in normal mode and re install the wireless networking.

Your router is not assigning an IP address to your wireless card which could be due to improper negotiation of security protocol. Do you have some sort of wireless security enabled on your router WEP / WPA / etc.? If so, does your wireless card support the security type and are you entering in the correct password?

it looks like you have not setup your web/wpa wireless key??
when your dhcp router assigns you a address it cannot start with 169 if it does like in your case that mean that you are not making conntact with dhcp, enter your routers wap/wpa password in the wireless options and repair your connection(or restart)(or wait a couple of minutes
when you then run ipconfig /all you should have a ip address that does not start with 169 and a default gateway (to allow access to the internet)
hope it helps

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