Guys I would appreciate any views on this ...

I have a URL which points to a page on my own website.

Let’s suppose it is called

If I open Internet Explorer (IE) manually and type the URL directly into the address bar and hit ‘Go’, the correct page loads into IE as expected.

However, if I type the URL into a Word (or Excel, etc) document, so that it naturally turns into a hyperlink (turns blue as above) and then I click on the link, I would expect the following three things to happen:

1. IE to open
2. The URL to appear in the address bar
3. The page to appear

The trouble is that only the first 2 of these happen. I get the message “The page cannot be displayed within the body of IE. HOWEVER, if I refuse to give up hope and then click on ‘Go’ next to the address bar, the page loads up! It’s as if the click on the hyperlink is doing only 90% of what it should be (i.e. leaving out the ‘Go’ part).

Why won’t the click on the URL load up the page in one go? Other URLs work fine and the ones that now give me this problem used to work OK. Any ideas?

problem discussed HERE

problem discussed HERE

Thanks Caperjack, but that's not it!

Other URLs present me with no problem, but the ones that don't work don't work ANYWHERE I've tried them. So it's not machine-dependent, as is the case your link points to where it works for one person but not for another.

At the risk of getting slated here for advertising (which is not my intention, but rather to sort the problem out), here's a URL that displays the behaviour I'm talking about:

Please note, if you click on it here, it will probably work OK ... please cut-and-paste to a Word/Excel document and try to click on the link from within the MS document ... any ideas why it won't immediately open the page up?

That site works for me the same way it works for you, the page doesnt open but i hit go and it opens ! i copyed 6 different url and its the only one that behaves that way .go figure

That site works for me the same way it works for you, the page doesnt open but i hit go and it opens ! i copyed 6 different url and its the only one that behaves that way .go figure

Glad to find that someone else sees the same behaviour! Everyone else claims it works fine for them.

Any ideas, caperjack? Or does 'go figure' mean what I think it means ???

Can anyone else help?

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