Somebody helped me 2 years ago to install MS Fligth Simulator.
This guy made me create two entries into XP just after starting the PC.
One entry is the normal XP used as usual and the second entry started also XP but with many services disabled so that the Flight Simulator had more resources and memory for itself.
With my bad (human) memory I don't remember how I did that. Could somebody help me ?
After lot of searching I think I know which services can be disabled for FS.


Start -- Run -- services.msc and hit enter. You can also right click on the empty area in your "start bar" at the bottom. This will be the area to the right of where your last open window is running. Right click and hit properties. In the dialog select the second tab "Start Menu" and hit the "Customize" button on that tab. Find the checkbox for "Display Administrative tools" and enable it. Then go to Start -- Programs -- Administrative Tools -- Services. This will take you to the same place.

Thank you. Your reply is really helpfull as I did not know how to get there. (I did not search taht yet)
But my real question is
<<This guy made me create two entries into XP just after starting the PC.
One entry is the normal XP used as usual and the second entry started also XP but with many services disabled so that the Flight Simulator had more resources and memory for itself.
How do I create this dual boot with these example of messages after booting the PC but before entering XP ?
1: normal XP
2: Game XP

The Game PC will have many services inactivated until I restart the PC.


I will explain it from the beginning as I don't know what point you are currently at.

You need to format your hard drive then install windows XP. When installing XP it asks which partition you would like to install it on and at this point you should create TWO partitions. The flight simulator partition should only be a few gigs and allocate the rest of the space for your main installation. Pick the bigger partition and proceed to install your normal working version of XP. Once you are all done with that installation edit your C:\boot.ini and change the WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" section to WINDOWS="normal XP" . Once you have completed this reinstall XP the same way as you did above except select the empty partition. When you are done edit your boot.ini and change the WINDOWS="..." to your flight simulator text. Disable the services and enjoy!

Thank you Scott


You're welcome.

Please mark this thread as solved if I have answered your question and good luck!

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