I have a ACER laptop and it has vista on it and from day one (2 years ago) it has been giving me problems. The most recent is that all of a sudden I can not access my documents. I have Microsoft office 2007 and its there I can see it but my computer cant seem to locate it. It says its not there!!!! i dont know much about computers but I do know that programs cant just disappear...and so i looked in my compter for c: drive....and its not there! Like where did it go! None of my documents open and now the laptop wont even read any disc that I put in. Ok so i tried to re-install my micro. Office (even though I never uninstalled it) and the disc was running I could hear it but nothing was happening. How can I at least get my word documents to open.... someone anyone please help!

Did you locate the file or is it still missing? Have you tried the recycle bin?

Sounds like some sort of Windows error causing malfunction.

Personally I would carry out a system restore to the date that it was working OK then carry out some routine computer maintenance tasks.

I wonder though have you already resolved the issue?


You do seem to have problems, this is windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 forum Try the Vista forum. But I had so many problems with my Acer laptop running Vista, I formatted it all and installed XP Pro.

How many partition do you have? A possibility may be that My documents is not in C:// and is on other partition like other files actually (in case of reinstall not loose anything).

Did you locate the file or is it still missing? Have you tried the recycle bin?

yea, they're not there. The files are in my documents folder, i can see them but I cant open any of them. I think I have a virus on my laptop, although it works its doing all kind of weired stuff. Like opening things on its own or closing windows while i'm still working in them. It will even type stuff that I havn't typed. Is it possible to remove a virus...that is if I have one?

Sounds like some sort of Windows error causing malfunction.

Personally I would carry out a system restore to the date that it was working OK then carry out some routine computer maintenance tasks.

I wonder though have you already resolved the issue?


Thanks Mark, but I tried that too. Still having issues.

When you try opening the file does it ask you what program to open it with or does it do nothing?

Have you run a virus scanner? do you have a firewall installed?

So I get this right, are you saying MS Office is missing or that your documents are missing?
You've certainley got some issues with your machine, if it was me I'd remove the drive and attach it to another machine and run a virus scan on the drive, I would also check the drive for errors.

Hi again,
I am not sure if it will work on vista but dial-a-fix would repair this problem in XP most times. You can download it and try. As I said earlier, you are in a forum for XP not vista.

i'm not sure how many partions I have or where to locate that information. How can i find out?

You do seem to have problems, this is windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 forum Try the Vista forum. But I had so many problems with my Acer laptop running Vista, I formatted it all and installed XP Pro.

I posted at the Vista forum as suggested, but how did you format and install XP. My old desk top was an XP and I loved it . Had no issues until a storm came and tried to hot wire my house!

When you try opening the file does it ask you what program to open it with or does it do nothing?

Have you run a virus scanner? do you have a firewall installed?

When I try to open my documents it simply says the "Windows can not find C:/Users/syarbr1/Documents........"

So then I try to open microsoft 2007 and noting will happen. it wont open and I dont get any error messages.

I do have a firewall installed no I have not tried to run a virus scan. I assumed the firewall would protect me but then again, I think I may have a virus. As you can see i dont know much about computers. I just use them for work and read e-mails.

Hi again,
I am not sure if it will work on vista but dial-a-fix would repair this problem in XP most times. You can download it and try. As I said earlier, you are in a forum for XP not vista.

Thanks Bob_180, where can I find dial-a-fix? At this point i'm willing to try anything. I use this laptop for my business and I am falling behind on my record keeping.

So I get this right, are you saying MS Office is missing or that your documents are missing?
You've certainley got some issues with your machine, if it was me I'd remove the drive and attach it to another machine and run a virus scan on the drive, I would also check the drive for errors.

Well, there not missing. You can see my documents in my documents folder, and you can see my MS office but nothing will open. I get a error that windows can not find C: users/syarbr1/Documents.

How do I remove the drive or check it for errors?

Can you open word by cicking on the shorcut? and then browse to your files?

users/syarbr1/Documents this is just the route to your documents syarb1 being your profile.

If it was me I'd copy those files elsewhere as well. i.e put them a USB stick CD anything that isn't on your computer.

Have you tried opening them in something like open office as well?


Can you open word by cicking on the shorcut? and then browse to your files?

users/syarbr1/Documents this is just the route to your documents syarb1 being your profile.

If it was me I'd copy those files elsewhere as well. i.e put them a USB stick CD anything that isn't on your computer.

Have you tried opening them in something like open office as well?


I tried to open word by clicking the short cut but nothing happened, I would copy on a disc but my driver stop working at the same time. I tried to reinstall MS Office (I thought that would help) but my driver spins the disc but nothing happens... i cant open any disc.. cant watch movies or listen to cd's either....system wont or cant read them. I dont get an error message, I just hear it working/spining but nothings happening... what a mess huh?
You stated that User/syar...... is just a rout to my documents, is it posible to get to my documents on a different route?


You can find Dial-a-fix here

If you want to delete Vista and install XP again, you will need to boot the PC with the XP disk and when asked where to install, format and install over your vista installation. if you try to install XP over Vista when Vista is running it will not let you. Remember that all the programs you have will need to be reinstalled. When you format the drive all data will be lost so you must back up on another media anything you want.

I suspect we need to find out the whole problem before using dial a fix. Syarbr1 has other issues that need fixing first. Right you tried the shortcut but not tried starting word.exe directly? I'm assuming you did a standard install. c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office is the normal path find word.exe and double click it see if word will open then. Also what I meant about your documents was, back them up NOW. By back them up I mean copy them somehwere that isn't on your computer. USB stick another computer (If your CD isn't working). 16Gb USB sticks are cheap now £11 over here in the Uk so get one or borrow one.

You can browse to your documents folder if you wish, By browsing I mean double click on your documents folder find your files and then copy them.

Of concern is the error message about C:\users\syarbr1\Documents not existing, this is the computers way of saying I can't where you want me to go. Of concern is that the shortcut should be correct and you are saying you can see your Documenst folder. When you open your documents folder what does the path in the folder say?

It also sounds as if your CD/DVD isn't behaving do you have an external USB CD/DVD drive you can use? Try one if you can.

I don't think you say what computer you have, is this a laptop or a Desktop? and how old is it? If it's less than one year then you'll still be under warranty if not maybe depends. If you need to open word documents in the mean time then downlaod your slef a copy of OpenOffice install that and you can open edit etc etc it's free and can be found at www.openoffice.org
To answer yoru question earlier about partitions just double clcik on your my computer icon, when this opens you'll see (Hopefully) an icon called Local Disk (C:) and maybe Local Disk (D:) You should also see your CD/DVD here as well. Local disk (D:) will be either a partition or another physical disk. Let me know what you see there.


In my last post I forgot to disable Smileys it should be Local Disk (C:) and Local Disk (D:)

i'm not sure how many partions I have or where to locate that information. How can i find out?

To check your hard drive partitions (in XP), click "START" and right click on "MY COMPUTER" and then click on "MANAGE" then click on "DISK MANAGEMENT LOCAL" and you will find all the info on your drive. (That is in XP) I don't know how to do it in VISTA.
Go here and read about Vista repair. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/tutorial148.html

Are you able to open other items(none office) that reside in my documents? Perhaps it would be worthwhile trying OpenOffice or if you have a google email account try using google docs.

Hi again,
can you let us know how you got on??

Sorry i havn't been updating, got pretty sick for a few days and put computer on hold. But Nothing I do is working. I down loaded Spybot and AntiMalware Pro and that did clean up a lot of other issues but I still have no C drive or should I say my computer still cant open any of my files......This is a great laptop and I only use it for e-mails and work but at this point i'm ready to break it down and sell the parts so I can get a new one or just smash it to pieces like "Office Space"

Are you able to open other items(none office) that reside in my documents? Perhaps it would be worthwhile trying OpenOffice or if you have a google email account try using google docs.

Yes I am able to open other things....only the office stuff wont open. I uninstalled and tried to re-install Office 2007 but no disc will run or open....

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