I'm not sure if this is better off in the hardware forum or software since it involves both, but I decided to try here first and see how it goes.

I have a Dazzle 150 (this would be the hardware) and Pinnacle Studio 9 & MovieMaker 5 for software.

I can use the Pinnacle software, so I know there's no problem with drivers or anything like that. But when I try to use MovieMaker, there are no devices listed under Video Device, so I can't use it.

I would prefer to use MovieMaker because it uses less then 2,000K of memory, whereas Pinnacle uses over 240,000K! Since I only have 384,000K installed, I have to close everything, including my antivirus, in order to use Pinnacle.

I tried contacting Dazzle, but since Pinnacle took it over, they say they no longer support MovieMaker and won't even try to help me.

If anyone has any ideas on how I can get MovieMaker to recognize the Dazzle I would really appreciate it! Or, some other programs that will work without using so much memory.

WindowsXP is the OS

I had this in the Hardware forum for several days with no response, so maybe someone that can help will see it here :)

I just thought I'd ask about my old Digital Photo Maker USB capture. (different thread that linked to yours) I had no luck finding the drivers I want, and I had been using it with Movie Maker, in fact! Luckily, my old computer still has that setup, I hope if I get lucky I can move the needed files to XP, perhaps... Just not that knowledgeable. I forgot how I set it up, for one thing...It's been quite some time!


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