Hi friends i have a bigggg problem.

Yesterday me and my friend worked with vb and JAVA to test how to handle windows main controls and registry edit .
But today when i tried to Shut Down my pc it is not working.[ The restart button is working. ]
Thats not a virus problem i am sure becoz my antivirus didnot find anything .I don't know what to do.

We tried many things we know , but the Shut Down is still not working.
Plz i need somebodies help , plz its urgent.

Sorry , i am using XP service pack 3


Try this and let us know what happens.
type shutdown/s and let us know what happens.
If this works then its probably a registry problem & you'll need to peform a system restore if available or restore the registry hive.



Hi.............try this command.

start>run>cmd>shutdown -s

take care buddy...bye...

you should backup your registry before trying to do anything...try suggestion above do a system restore..
check out this site from MS it might help.. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308029

Good luck!

Thanks friends that's a real help.And it works for me.
I think that's the problem of my registry.
Now its fully restored.
The problem is when i used vb to access shutdown and restart function , somehow it damaged the registry [ i think ]
Thanks a lot ............

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