I just clean my Window XP from virus threat but now I couldn't access my C: and D: drives like before. Even my pen drive also affected. Instead of double clicking the drives icon I have to right my mouse and choose open or explore to access it. It is not much of a problem but its a bit annoying.

Is there anyway I can correct this. i have try a lot of software like Advance system care, CC cleaner, Defrag software until I ran out of idea. i though of reinstalling the Window again but its a pain and take up to much time.

Appreciate if anyone can help.

how many hard drives do you have installed on your computer? what kind of hard drive is your primary master hard drive? is it IDE or SCSI? if its SCSI check for ID conflicts. you should try to check for resources conflicts using the device manager. the device manager will tell you if there is any problems with your hardware, like drivers.

I only have 1 physical 80GB SATA hard disk partition into C: and D: with 40GB each. I thought of reformat the whole thing but the pain of reinstalling those software that put me off.

have you tried the fix drive?

No. I don't think it work. It doesn't go through any installation. It just come out a dialogue box that show all the drives. But when I double click the drives nothing happen. But anyway I will try again.


Try re-installing the SATA driver.

Now my drive is working fine but another problem comes out. When I double click my folder and sub-folder it goes into search file. Again I have to right click my mouse and open my folders. Now I need help to open my folder normally by just double clicking my mouse left button like it use to.

Appreciate to anyone who help.

Now my drive is working fine but another problem comes out. When I double click my folder and sub-folder it goes into search file. Again I have to right click my mouse and open my folders. Now I need help to open my folder normally by just double clicking my mouse left button like it use to.

Appreciate to anyone who help.

Try this;
Open "Command Prompt" (click Start/Run and type in cmd then enter) w/admin rights and type the following;
regsvr32 /i shell32.dll
Hit enter and close the window, see if that corrects it.

I think this is my last attempt. If it still doesn't work. I will reformat the whole thing. Damn!!!


Try this;
Open "Command Prompt" (click Start/Run and type in cmd then enter) w/admin rights and type the following;
regsvr32 /i shell32.dll
Hit enter and close the window, see if that corrects it.

After a long pause I did try your method and it works. Thank for saving my time. If not I have to spend reformat and reinstall all over again.

Glad to hear you got it sorted.


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