I have problems uninstalling my laptop's Windows Vista. My laptop has dual-boot with Windows 7 and Windows Vista OS. When I first bought my laptop, it is pre-installed with Vista and I was given only the system recovery disc from HP. Here's the problem: I wanted to uninstall Vista and I went to search for some answers. Many sources told me to load the vista installation disc and run the command like this:

e:\boot\bootsect.exe /nt52 ALL /force
( I did change the drive name in the command to my actual drive name)

I dun have any vista installation disc to load in the first place and I thought I try my luck using the recovery disc since it has the vista OS installation.

(My DVD drive is D:/.)

So I type
d:\boot\bootsect.exe /nt52 ALL /force

The system mentioned that they cannot find the file and I did not know what other ways can be used to erase vista OS.

If I remembered correctly, the recovery disc would erase everything including my Windows 7. Is there any other ways to get rid of vista??

(I dun want to reinstall Windows 7 again)

(I dun want to reinstall Windows 7 again)

why dun ya!
ok please explain ,you want to uninstall win vista ,correct , you don't want to reinstall win7 ,so what do you want to have installed on the laptop .

is win7 on the laptop and working now ,is laptop still dual booting ,if so go into win7 and format the partition with vista on it

Window Vista is there on my laptop right from the start. Laptop can dual-boot and windows 7 is working fine but I cannot uninstall or format the window partition for vista or rather u called it c drive for most people.

I just want my laptop to run only Windows 7 only. The problem is that I cannot format a window partition and I only have the recovery discs and not the windows vista DVD. Many sources said that Vista Installation DVD is needed to uninstall vista.

Since I dun have the installation DVD, is there any other ways I can format a windows partition and its backup data?

format your laptop with DOS bootable disk and use fdisk command delete the partition and then create it again after that install windows 7 and enjoy

Window Vista is there on my laptop right from the start. Laptop can dual-boot and windows 7 is working fine but I cannot uninstall or format the window partition for vista or rather u called it c drive for most people.

I just want my laptop to run only Windows 7 only. The problem is that I cannot format a window partition and I only have the recovery discs and not the windows vista DVD. Many sources said that Vista Installation DVD is needed to uninstall vista.

Since I dun have the installation DVD, is there any other ways I can format a windows partition and its backup data?

just go to the disk management section of win7 and you should be able to format partition with vista on it .

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