Is there a universal pass word or way to get on to a computer that has XP . Person is gone and no way to get password.

Dunno abt universal password...... but u can change the password...when bootin use safe mode it will give an additional administrator to you from there u can change the password of login u want in control panel

The additiona administrator account is available in safe mode if the password for administrator was not set during the installation, try to google for xp password reset tools iso images which you can burn to a cd and then you will reset the password.
If you fail to find one email me on <snip> i can then send it to you through skype

Hi, My boss has got a pass word on his computer and i want to access it, is there a universal password i can get into his computer with. I want to change my pay rate.

i can get into his computer with. I want to change my pay rate.

Please, keep it legal.

Sorry about that, I was trying to say that you do not know who owns the PC and yet you offer the poster information on how to access it without the password.

Yep, probably best to lock this thread now.

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