I just change my computer power supply recently. Since than it keep restarting everytime I switch on. I know I can reformat the whole hard disk and start all over again. But I hate doing that since it take quite sometime to install all the software again. So can I do something else beside reformating?

Appreciate to anyone who can help.

A lot more information would be helpful. Are all the fans, power supply, CPU, ans if any, case fans working? Have you given it a good clean recently, use compressed air? Have you changes anything other than your power supply? Is the power supply powerful enough? Did this happen any time before the new power supply? What are you doing when it happens and will it happen every time?

Sounds like a BSOD- If you don't want to reinstall try using the recovery console on the XP boot disk and perform a chkdsk /p on the drive.

Boot to the windows setup disk as usual but press R to start the Recovery Console when the "Welcome to Setup" screen appears.
If you have a dual-boot or multiple-boot computer, select the installation that you must access from the Recovery Console.
When you are prompted, type the Administrator password. If the administrator password is blank, just press ENTER.
More Info>http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307654

I just change my computer power supply recently. .

to a brand new on i assume ,and why did you need to change the psu,what was the old one doing or not doing

Well the old power supply unit burn so I change a new one with the exact wattage. No different than the old one. usually it just unplug and plug in kind of thing. I done it before a number of time. This is the first time I come across this problem. Usually this thing happen only when I change motherboard. So it kind of strange to me. Beside I am kinda hardware guy but only ok on software. So appreciate to anyone who can help on the software i mean.

Does the pc boot through to starting windows or keep restarting before that. If it restarts when starting windows, follow sennetor's advise, but if it does not get to starting windows then it may be possible the power supply is not supplying enough wattage for the system (probably why the previous one burnt), try getting one with a higher wattage.

It boot to Safe mode, Last best known configuration, thats works, Normal Boot and so forth. I already check the PSU and it is of the same wattage but I will double check again to make sure. Thanks for all your help.

I don't know where you are getting the information from the CPU for the power supply but it could very well be the problem,
1. The new power supply is faulty,
2. The new power supply and the old one are too small to run your PC.
It will not hurt to have a power supply higher than your PC needs but it is asking for trouble to have one smaller. Your PC will only take the power it needs and if there is not enough it will shut down or freeze.
As it is a new power supply, can you take it back and ask them to check it?
"It boot to Safe mode, Last best known configuration, thats works, Normal Boot and so forth.
Are you saying that you can get as far as the screen that offers you these choices and when you select one it will reboot?
I assume that if this is the case, there is no message or blue screen, it just reboots?
If this happens every time, then it will probably not be the power supply at fault. But if this is as far as you can ever get and sometimes not even close to here, then I would look at the power supply.
Therefore, if you rule out the power supply, I would be looking at a windows repair using your OS CD. If you are not sure how, there are lots of good sites on the net that will show you with photos how to do it.

I just noticed that you mentioned it boots to safe mode.

When you get in on safe mode turn off automatic restart on system failure.

Right click on my computer>select properties(windows+pausebreak shortcut)
select the advanced tab> under startup and recovery select settings then uncheck Automatically Restart.
Next time you boot normally you should see a Blue Screen error message which might help.

My Money's on the HAL error given your PSU history.

ok if you have a new mb this can be fixed with just buy getting a 300 wat power supply now how ever a bad ram can do that but known for blue screens to but i have seen reboots from bad ram or not the wright power supply also you may want to check for a worm virus in windows xp sp 1 and 2 was known to get this when updating from microsoft why never known but i hope this works i also so pcrepair cheap paypal payments only and phone support free shipping on all repairs ty paul

Please please please, rewrite that last comment with punctuations & other grammatical niceties.

Please please please, rewrite that last comment with punctuations & other grammatical niceties.

What time does this English class start. do I have to wear a school uniform, pay school fees? Are you the head master/principle?
How long has it been since we have had to use proper puncuation to post here?
What i no good speek english propper? Can I no post more here yes?
What is the difference between a grammatical niceties and a nasties?
Please help me as I have not been good at engligh for the last 61 years and some of that I could not even speak or walk.
Wouldnt it be good if everyone in the world could speak and type English as well as you?

I have tried to do as you asked to the last post, I hope it now meets with your approval. Could you kindly mark my assignment and advise me of where I need to improve.
Yours in apprehension,


OK, if you have a new motherboard, this can be fixed by you just buying or getting a 300 watt power supply. But for now however, a bad RAM can cause that problem, it is a known cause for “blue screens” but while I have seen reboots from faulty or badly seated RAM, I have not seen this happening with the wrong power supply. Furthermore, you may want to check for a worm or other virus in windows XP sp 1 and 2 were known to get this problem of a blue screen when updating. You never known, but I hope this works for you. I also do repairs to PCs, I do not charge much and I accept PayPal payments only, I offer phone support and free shipping on all repairs.

Thank you,

A+ Bob. :) I was having a bit of a momemt.

I try to repair the Window but it won't allow to repair but instead it ask to reinstall that means format the whole hard disk. Maybe thats the last resort like it or not. Before I forget I also notice there is a CMOS error like the on board battery died out or something. Now I am worry of the motherboard. I am afraid when the power supply burn it will burn the motherboard as well. It seem taking to much of my time now. Hope to solve this as soon as possible. Appreciate for all your help.

What happens when you try to install, what message do you get?
How are you trying to install? Booting from your OS CD?
I am not saying it does not happen, but I have never heard of a system asking for a reinstall instead of a repair! But then we learn something new everyday.
Have a look at this site,
Is this what you did to do the repair?

You have two choices if you have to reinstall, you can format and and do a clean install and all the data left on the drive/partition will be deleted or you can do an installation with the old windows still there without a format. This way you will still have all your data but you will have to reload all your programs and Windows SP3 and every update and hot fix since SP3.

Hi again,
What was the BIOS error, try and remember what it said? Do you get it every time you try and boot up?
What is the wattage of the new power supply? 250,300W??
How old is the motherboard?

Hi again,
What was the BIOS error, try and remember what it said? Do you get it every time you try and boot up?
What is the wattage of the new power supply? 250,300W??
How old is the motherboard?

CMOS error. Press F1 for default setting and Del for setup after the PC is off for more the 8 hours. The motherboard is about 3 years old. Dual core CPU with 512MB RAM. Power supply is 300 watt. It work before with the wattage. I kinda rule out the power supply and look into other alternative because I test with several power supply and its rather cheap. I am afraid it could be the motherboard now. Thanks.

What happens when you try to install, what message do you get?
How are you trying to install? Booting from your OS CD?
I am not saying it does not happen, but I have never heard of a system asking for a reinstall instead of a repair! But then we learn something new everyday.
Have a look at this site,
Is this what you did to do the repair?

Yeah. Try that but can't repair. It have to be a total reinstall of Window XP. I guess I have to format and install to see whether its hardware problem. Thanks.

A bit of a hassle but very little cost, go and buy a new battery for your motherboard. Boot to your setup screen (Press Del) (BIOS) and set the BIOS to load best default or something like that, save and exit. Your PC should then boot without a problem.

If you are going to reinstall, follow these instructions from a windows site.
To install Windows XP to a new folder (also known as a parallel installation), follow these steps:
Start your computer from the Windows XP CD (or boot disks). To do this, insert the Windows XP CD into your CD or DVD drive, and then restart your computer.
When the "Press any key to boot from CD" message appears on the screen, press any key to start the computer from the Windows XP CD.
At the Welcome to Setup screen, press ENTER to begin Windows XP Setup.
Read the Microsoft Software License Terms, and then press F8.
Select the partition in which you want to install Windows XP, and then press ENTER.
Select the Leave the current file system intact (no changes) option, and then press ENTER to continue.
Press ESC to install to a different folder. (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316941)

Yeah I did that. Thought it is the battery but all the same "Error in checksum". I did format the hard disk and reinstall Window. Now the Window boot up fine but I think the motherboard timer chip could have burn out during the power surge. I can just use the PC with that annoying error to bear.

Well at least you can use your PC now, if you are happy can you please mark this thread as solved.

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