Hi all. I'm having issues with my os (vista home premium). My dvd rom drive stopeed being recognised. An exclamation mark is displayed when I check the hardware installed. How can I resolve this?

An exclamation mark is displayed when I check the hardware installed. How can I resolve this?

right click on it and delete it ,reboot computer ,windows should reinstall driver

Hi all. I'm having issues with my os (vista home premium). My dvd rom drive stopeed being recognised. An exclamation mark is displayed when I check the hardware installed. How can I resolve this?

I'm having the same problem. Win7 says it may be a driver error. I've uninstalled the DVD and let Win7 rediscover it with the same results. Does anyone have any ideas on how to proceed?

Please start your own thread and give a lot of information about your computer, OS and problem.

Have you let Windows 7 do a trouble shooting test?

Have you tried updating your drive's drivers?

Have you tried updating your drive's drivers?

Who are you helping, the OP or the Hijacker?

ahm...for windows vista and 7..
TRY updating your driver..you can use the FREE SOFTWARE named "Drivre Robot"..
You can download it from here...

Its spyware and malware free...
Just simply download the software and install it to your PC..
And scan your PC with it..and when it detect some error..it will fix it automatically...gudluck,,

Please do not use the windows Vista. It's big crap. It's too slow and Lots of problem in the operating system. You can use the windows 7 or windows XP. I like the most operating system is windows XP.

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Well, some people don't have a choice of Vista or 7, maybe they can't afford an upgrade.

Have you tried searching online for a new driver? uninstall the old one, and search online for the brand of cd drive you use, and download the appropriate driver. Worked for me.

what a waste of post ,never have i need to install cdrom drives different than the ones install by windows , for any windows os that i have ever used to the best of my memory

Aren't you lucky. There was a time when this was a huge problem as there were many different drivers for CD ROMs.

what a waste of post ,never have i need to install cdrom drives different than the ones install by windows , for any windows os that i have ever used to the best of my memory

What I usually do is find the errors and basically delete it also. There may be an error the next time you boot, but if you had the installer, it wont be much of a problem.

Aren't you lucky. There was a time when this was a huge problem as there were many different drivers for CD ROMs.

maybe it was luck maybe it wasn't, built and rebuilt 100'sof towers and don't never remember having a problem getting a cdrom to work to were i had to install a driver for it

Nothing to do with luck. It has to do with being a youngster:)
You probably don't know about dip switches, DOS 1.0, Windows 3.1 or Fortran, either.
Most of all, this kind of comment, "What a waste of post" is uncharitable and adds nothing useful to the discussion.
We're here to help the newbie, not to make them feel badly.

maybe it was luck maybe it wasn't, built and rebuilt 100'sof towers and don't never remember having a problem getting a cdrom to work to were i had to install a driver for it

Nothing to do with luck. It has to do with being a youngster:)
You probably don't know about dip switches, DOS 1.0, Windows 3.1 or Fortran, either.

sorry didn't see where the user said they were using something older tan win 98

sorry didn't see where the user said they were using something older tan win 98

hey bing7 you look dusty,whats up

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