I am unable to save to my "F" drive recently. When ever I try to save to it I get a message saying "Windows protection error can not create directory or save file"

Thank you for your help


Are you able to save to any other devices?

You might have the Windows File Protection problem that I have seen in the past. We downloaded a utility from Microsoft to clean up the problem... unfortunately I do not have it here with me, but it went through the system and cleaned up a bunch of issues.


I can save to other devices.


Perhaps it is time to run some tests on F: I am guessing you are Win 2K or XP. Open up the Disk utillities, and run a checkdisk on the system. See if finds problems. I am also wondering if you have NTFS on F and if the permissions there got messed up.


I am using Windows 98. I ran the scan disk on F drive and found no errors. What is NTFS?

I solved my problem. I went to the FAQs at the manufacturer of the flash drive and was told to create a new folder in the flash drive. Now I can save to the new folder.


NTFS is what Windows 2000 and XP use as a file system. It has more security options than FAT32. NTFS is also very common, many consnider it essential, for file servers.

You did not mention F: being a thumbdrive... I was under the assumption it was a partition on your hard drive. KNowing what F was now, I would have had you take a different approach.


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