The computer was infected with a virus and now I am unable to get my background to change it's just a black background and I want something better. I right click and it only shows screen saver and setting tabs and nothing for the background like it usually does and I even try control panel and all that crap and still the same thing. Someone please try to help me. The computer was supposedly fixed by those geniuses at best buy.

The computer was infected with a virus and now I am unable to get my background to change it's just a black background and I want something better. I right click and it only shows screen saver and setting tabs and nothing for the background like it usually does and I even try control panel and all that crap and still the same thing. Someone please try to help me. The computer was supposedly fixed by those geniuses at best buy.

hi ,welcome to DaniWeb ,this might help .
desktop missing

i tried typing in gpedit.msc under run and an error pops up saying it cant find the gpedit.msc.

me to and im using xp home ,so maybe thats only avabile in xp pro ,i will see if i can find any more info

that will work to lock it ,but won't restore the missing desktop feature in the display properties ,will it !

Those tweaks work by disabling tabs from display properties by creating Registry keys and setting their value to '1'. If they are present, setting the value to '0' will enable the display Properties tabs again.

The relevent Ragistry key DWord for the Desktop tab is:

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