Hi Experts,

I have applied many hot fixes on my computer (XP). Now, I want to know the date when the fixes has been installed and the last installed hot fix.

I know i can see the installed hotfix status under ADD/REMOVE control panel but not able to see the installed date and time?

The logs under event viewer has been vanished by someone.:cry:

Do anyone having any idea how to check that? or any file that stores the status of the installed hot fixes.


I have applied many hot fixes on my computer (XP). Now, I want to know the date when the fixes has been installed and the last installed hot fix.

Does anyone having any idea how to check that? or any file that stores the status of the installed hot fixes?

Have you tried going to the Windows Update site? There's an option to read your install history. Of course, if MS is just reading your event log back to you, you're hosed...

Have you tried going to the Windows Update site? There's an option to read your install history. Of course, if MS is just reading your event log back to you, you're hosed...

I didn't used the windows update method. i have downloaded the list of fixes which i have to install and i did the same on 100 computers and now someone wanna to know that how he/she can check that which hot fix is lastly installed.

I know a smart answer will be this that the person who have installed the fix can tell but i am looking for a another way to check this?

Any other options?

Any other options?

I would map to the administrative share on the machine since I had rights to install the patch and look at the date modified for the folders labeled C:\Windows\$NtUninstall<insert patch # here>$

Otherwise you could just have the user check those folder attributes.

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