After many hours, finally i have XP in partition C and 7 in partition E. now i now how to do it. but my problem is that i have first one screen that say OLDER VERSION OF WINDOWS an second line WINDOWS 7..if i click seven i go direct to 7...but if i wanto to go to XP i have to click de one on top OLDER VERSION OF WINDOWS ando a second page coming that say WINDOWS XP and lower line the same WINDOWS XP i have to click the one at the botton and my XP know i want see only one screen ,no two. please somebody help me.

It sounds like you still have an old copy of XP on your system somewhere or at least a reference to one. There are other ways to fix this but I think this one might be the easiest.
First create a system restore point.
Go Start, Run, "type" msconfig, OK, Boot.ini tab,
"Click" check all boot paths, if they find a fault in one, delete it and reboot if they are OK, "click" on the bottom XP (the top one could be highlighted) "click" move up, "Click" make default, "change" time out to 3 seconds, "Click" apply and exit, "Click" restart.
When your machine starts you will get the msconfig screen again, put a check in the square and "Click" OK.
For some interesting reading you may not know about go here:-

Bob: thanks to you for your help. Question which one i open to do this windows xp or 7 ..and second i never enter misconf before. maybe you can give me more info.

Thats normal. BCD (The windows 7 bootloader) is installed on the MBR. When you choose Older System, it chainloads NTLDR for booting XP.

I had the same thing to get Vista, XP and NT4 to work together (with them all chaining off eachother).

and second i never enter misconf before. maybe you can give me more info.

bob couldn't have said it any plainer in his post .just do it step by step and you will see how easy it was and how well it was explained

from bobs post===
Go Start, Run, "type" msconfig, OK, Boot.ini tab,
"Click" check all boot paths, if they find a fault in one, delete it and reboot if they are OK, "click" on the bottom XP (the top one could be highlighted) "click" move up, "Click" make default, "change" time out to 3 seconds, "Click" apply and exit, "Click" restart.
When your machine starts you will get the msconfig screen again, put a check in the square and "Click" OK

i made it another way. format my 2 partitions (my hard drive have no OS ) then i install XP PRO and all the updates for hours and then i installed WINDOWS 7 at the second partition. now i have only one screen top line OLDER VERSION OF WINDOWS and lower line WINDOWS 7. thas what i need. thank you again to all of you.

Hi again,
First it is good to know you have everything working.

But!!! Why could you not follow the directions we supplied and do the same job in about 2 minutes?

You, or any other OP is under no obligation to do anything suggested here by someone trying to assist them.

But!! We spend some time reading problems, working out the best way to help the original poster and then offer that information to assist them. When they post back and say,

i made it another way.

does not make me very happy. If you knew how to to it, and were going to do it your way anyway, why did you ask here for help?
Well at least you have things working no, Good luck.

) then i install XP PRO and all the updates for hours

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