I have an MP3 PLAYER, when I plug it in the port, the computer does not recognize it...IT does recognize my printer..

I do not have a CD or disk for the device..

THE same thing happens with my phone for pictures...

Any idea on how to resolve?

I can guarantee its NOT the cord, the device works fine in my brothers computer which is VISTA.

Just a possibility, turn off you computer, plug in your devise and boot. See if there is any difference.
Go to Devise Manager and see if there are any yellow exclamation marks against your USB ports. Try updating the drivers while you are there.
I assume you have tried other USB ports to see if they work.

If you still have problems, post back with more information about your machine and OS.

How do I narrow this out? Last night on the VISTA computer the same thing happened yet previously I could see the device..

Tell me please what type of information I have to provide on my XP system to resolve this?

Just a possibility, turn off you computer, plug in your devise and boot. See if there is any difference.
Go to Devise Manager and see if there are any yellow exclamation marks against your USB ports. Try updating the drivers while you are there.
I assume you have tried other USB ports to see if they work.

If you still have problems, post back with more information about your machine and OS.

Direct me to device manager, how to get there?

Direct me to device manager, how to get there?

right click mycomputer/properties/hardware/device manager

right click mycomputer/properties/hardware/device manager

Thank you, Well, there is nothing with a yellow notation, and all drivers are up to date..Where to go from here?>

brand name of mp3 player

It was bought on e bay and is from japan, I dont know the brand name!

It was bought on e bay and is from japan, I dont know the brand name!

so that your problem ,neither does windows

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