I did a clean install of Windows 7 on my computer reinstalled my programs, etc. Now I have the problem of the OS locking up the computer. I feel like I am using Windows 9x with its blue screen of death. It happens randomly with no rhyme or reason, I can be browsing the web or using a program.

Any ideas?


I did a clean install of Windows 7 on my computer reinstalled my programs,

did you install latest win7 version of all you device drivers

can you do a memory test? Have you sufficient memory for Win7?
It sounds a bit electronic rather than win 7 so far on two machines neither has hung once but then maybe thats luck!

I did a clean install of Windows 7 on my computer reinstalled my programs, etc. Now I have the problem of the OS locking up the computer. I feel like I am using Windows 9x with its blue screen of death. It happens randomly with no rhyme or reason, I can be browsing the web or using a program.

Any ideas?


Is it 64 bit or 32 bit Windows 7?

I would suspect a device driver also. Have you looked at your device manager to see if there are any errors showing there.

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