Anyone know when Vista Svc. Pak 2 is going to be available?

Microsoft has not yet announced any plans for a second service pack for Vista.

SP1 is still in beta, SP2 will not come out for another 18 months atleast

Thanks for the info!

I was going to hold off on buying a computer until SP2 came out. Now I'm not sure what I'm going to do!

you can still buy a vista if you have a bootable XP cd you can dual boot the pc,

any idea where they sell XP cd's?

seredipity, I'm pretty sure you mean Vista SP1.

That said, most any computer store that sells a decent amount of software should still carry XP. Heck, even the MSFT company store still has a lot of it... :icon_wink:

Didn't they say they were gonna stop selling XP? Or have they not done that yet?

You are right, infarction!!! Thanks for the catch. I was thinking of the second version and SP2 came off my fingertips!
I guess I should change my name to "serenflipity" HA!

When is Vista SP1 going to be available?

Didn't they say they were gonna stop selling XP? Or have they not done that yet?

While most manufacturers are moving to Vista, I believe XP will still be supported for a while to come. Afterall, there will be an SP3 that comes out I think when Vista SP1 launches. XP will probably stick around till the system after Vista is released.

Any idea when SP1 will launch?

I have a pretty good idea, but I can't remember what the official date is... :P

I hope it's safe to say "first quarter of 2008"

Thanks for all the responses and information! Everything is truly appreciated!

Didn't they say they were gonna stop selling XP? Or have they not done that yet?

they are infact making a new version of xp for low spec computers but with only 1 extra year windows update suport upto 2010 then no suport for xp

A new version of XP? Is it going to be SP3 ? Why a new version -- so they can work on Vista? I'd like to know if it's going to support all XP software.

A new version of XP? Is it going to be SP3 ? Why a new version -- so they can work on Vista? I'd like to know if it's going to support all XP software.

the reson is because of the realy cheap and crappy computers that have are comming out

computers that dont even have a agp port or a pci_e not sure if it's sp3 aas iam only registered as a oem systems builder / and micrsoft partner but it will suport all xp software

It's the end of the line of Xp ( aparrt from maybe a gaming pc off line ECt... ) i loved xp ( just got a great xp system vista ultimate compatable came with xp driver disk and not vista ones ) wish i got my self a coppy of xp pro 64 instead ) but vista is great dou 2 2.6 2gb ram nvidia 8800 gt _ having problems with some old xp games not working with vista and the 8800 combined it has a vista score of 5.3 my next pc will be much better

WinXP will still be supported for at least another 18 months....

Thanks for the info, craiglee!
I'm going to be looking for Windows XP. I know Office Depot has it on the shelves. I'm not a computer genius. I rely on the daniweb site for that! I've heard about too many problems with Vista, have a lot of older software that won't work with it I'm sure, and haven't seen anything on it that I can't live without.

XP support will expire no earlier than April 2014. I believe that still gives everyone plenty of time.

Vista SP1 has been released to manufacturing meaning that large OEMs (e.g. Dell, HP, Gateway) should be installing it now.

XP is still available from Newegg and other on-line merchants.

XP support will 2010 as i got this informatiomn straight from microsost as iam a regestered system builder and oem manufactor ( but will still be round to buy )

Thanks for the info! I'm sticking with XP but would like further info and opinions.....
*Can someone tell me why they like VISTA over XP.
*How Vista SP1 will be better than the present version?
*Is there any way to get older programs to work with VISTA (ie. I still have MS Office 2000 and it's all I need) other than to run XP and VISTA?

Vista is pretty, more secure, and I like the file manager (many don't).

I haven't installed SP1 yet, so can't tell you for sure. PC Mag had a good article on SP1.,2817,2192557,00.asp

Office 2000 does run on Vista. I installed it during beta testing prior to installing Office 2007 beta and had no problems.

Thanks, WillComp! Office 2000 compatibility is great news! I use it a lot. Do you know about Adobe Photoshop 6.0 ?

Thanks, WillComp! Office 2000 compatibility is great news! I use it a lot. Do you know about Adobe Photoshop 6.0 ?

Photoshop Elements 6.0 (which is current version) is compatible, but I don't know about Photoshop 6.0.

Thanks, willcomp. I do have Adobe Photoshop 6.0 (It's ancient but works for me!) and use it a lot. The upgrade is very expensive and I won't be doing it any time soon.

Willcomp, that PCMag article was great!

xp sp3 is basically a rollup (because since sp2, hundreds of megs worth of patches have been released) - it doesnt include IE7 or NET and is designed primarialy for ease of slipstreaming.

It has no significant new features but a small speed boost has been noticed by some

*Can someone tell me why they like VISTA over XP.

Aside from Vista making them more money (at this point, supporting XP would be costing more, since so few people are still buying it), Vista has been fairly dramatically redesigned internally. It is arguably the most secure consumer OS available today (for an interesting but in-depth read on the topic, see here). It also has much better x64 support, allowing users to better benefit from improved hardware architecture.

*How Vista SP1 will be better than the present version?

First, any SP will contain a roll-up of most updates released for that product; this saves a lot of time setting up a new machine. Vista SP1 will also have several performance tweaks/fixes and some changes to other new features (UAC I believe is one of these) that have been pain points for customers.

*Is there any way to get older programs to work with VISTA (ie. I still have MS Office 2000 and it's all I need) other than to run XP and VISTA?

Most 32-bit applications will work in Vista; the exceptions are likely caused by deprecated system calls. How can you tell if a program will work on Vista? Unfortunately, you need to install it and see if it runs. Vista has dropped support for 16-bit programs (which are quite old anyways, but they could run in XP and older OSs through emulation.

Most 16bit programs, including DOS apps, will run in Vista by using Compatibility Mode. I installed some DOS applications during beta testing and all of them worked although a bit of tweaking was required for a couple. Also successfully installed several older 16 bit Windows apps such as early versions (Win 3.X) of Excel and Word.

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