The old Seagate drive became unstable and finally crashed. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME was its dying gasp. That drive was diagnosed as "bad" and was replace with a Western Digital. I did not copy recent needed data such as documents, pictures and such before the crash. Classic mistake I know.
I hooked up the bad drive as a slave, started up the computer and quickly came to the CHKDSK blue screen. It found and deleted three corrupt file records then inserted security descriptors into three areas. It went too fast for me to write them down but it appears they were inserted in to the once corrupted areas.
The computer finished starting up without further incident. The old drive was seen and labeled "G". I saw familiar programs and was able to transfer some folders however:
All microsoft documents whether word or excel are gone. I can't even find the Microsoft Word progam. Further I can not open Owner. It says access is denied . . . When I click on properties is says 0 bytes. One or two other programs are missing. Could they have been in the corrupted area?
Can I do a restore of this drive alone? Or only the master drive can be restored. Is Windows just blocking access to certain areas of the drive?
I can piece together much of the data from old CD backups and SD cards. I am seeking knowledge as well as data.