Hello. I'm new to all of this so patience is requested. I have a school project that requires the use of Windows Movie Maker. I have a camera that records video but when i load the video onto my laptop they are saved to Quicktime. So basicly the video that i need is not compatable with Windows. IS there ANY way to reformat them or whatever is nessisary to make it work? Please help out a desperate student. Feel free to email me when suggestions.



Have you tried opening WMM and importing the video from there, instead of double clicking on the file? It should open.

Secondly, see if you can get the video recorder to record in a different format.


I've tried. My camera only records video in one format. The file is saved as .mov can i convert it?

thanks. my roommate JUST suggested the samething. hopefully it works. thank you thank you!

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