My computer has just started crashing on start up. Yesterday it worked on the 2nd attempt, today the 3rd. It hasn't done this before and i've had my computer for 2 and a half years now. Any tips?
I thought if I repaired Windows then it would work, but I put my Windows XP disk in and started up using it. But when it gets to the blue screen saying Windows Installer at the top nothing else comes up, is that because of my computer? If not what?
If I reformat my computer would the disk work? I don't want to reformat and get left with having to buy a new XP disk or something. And also if I were able to install Windows, last time I reformatted it wouldn't let me install the wireless network connection. Although last time it was a different connection, and I need that connection for the Internet so I can activate windows. Last time I had to install the modem in my computer, this time I can't as it's actually in the wireless thing as my sister has got a computer now and we have 3 connected. So what should I do if I'm not able to install the wireless stuff?
Thanks for your help it will be greatly appreciated.