
Is there a way to partition a disk formated to GUID?

I've just installed an XP on a Dell PC a friend received by way of the local post office collectibles. It's a nice Pepi PC but after installing the OS I've found out that the 80 GB HD is formated to GUID formating.

I'm hoping to avoid a total re-install, that is if there is a way to partition a GUID formated disk? Is there a way?



I found that page too, but the right click on the GUID Drive doesn't offer the conversion as an option. I'm also still searching. Thanks.

My understanding is that XP does not recognise the GUID disk format.. ie cannot read the GPT.. W7 & and vista can. So i do not see that disk mgmnt can do it. But diskpart can.

I jknow you said you don't want to....but a re-instaal is the best option here (probably the easiest as well)

No.. no... don't reinstall. Look, all that needs changing is the MBR... it is in a newer format [GUID]so that it can record larger partition sizes. They are instead listed in the GPT [GUID partition table]. The MBR lies on disk outside of and before any partitions, which are unaffected by this. So no need to reinstall, just change the MBR to one XP can work with.

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