when i try to run msconfig it keeps saying windows cannot find msconfig check spelling etc etc. can anyone please help?

What version of Windows?

Msconfig doesn't exist in Win 2000, but in 98 and XP, click on the "Run..." option under your Start menu, type msconfig in the resulting "Open:" box, and then hit the OK button.

I've got XP pro and i'm trying to run it the way you suggest and don't know where to go from here so any help would be well appreciated cheers

I've got XP pro and i'm trying to run it the way you suggest and don't know where to go from here so any help would be well appreciated cheers

if you are typing it properly as msconfig it should take you straight there. if not it could be a corruption somewhere in your o/s, in which case you would need to reinstall.

going off the subject if you have such software like visual basic try debugging. maybe a bug has crept in somewhere and altered the code. it happened to me and this is how my brother solved it.:)

ive tried to run it this way again but with no look it just keeps saying windows cannot find msconfig check spelling etc etc so if anyone can help me further it would be well appreciated hopefully a re-install wont be nessesary because it was pre-installed, windows cant seem to find a few things lately such as helpctr.exe is it possible these problems are related ??

in a sense.... yes. sounds like windows may well need a reinstall just to recover the help centre and any other system files. without these windows can become very unstable.

i have just restarted p.c and noticed i get a messare saying invalid boot ini file
booting from c:\windows\ could this have anything to do with the problems im having???

crikey... sounds like you've got some kinda nasty lurking about in there thats corrupting your system. a reinstall should kill that nasty and restore all your o/s system files. somehow i think that this is going to be the only way out here.

when reinstalling you must force the pc into booting from the cd. the boot.ini file should be the first file it puts onto the hard disk.

let me know if u get any more odd things happen

well like i say i dont have the disk as it was pre-installed so im gonna have to soldier on unless it packs up completely!!!!!thanks for your time

crikey... sounds like you've got some kinda nasty lurking about in there thats corrupting your system.

Unfortunately, that's a possiblity. There are malicious infections which cripple or disable utilities like msconfig, Task Manager, etc. in order to make it harder to detect/remove the infections. :(

- Why are you trying to use msconfig in the first place?

- Have you been able to run any anti-virus/anti-spyware scans to eliminate the possibilty of malicious infections.

- Without the original install CD, you are somewhat schrod in terms of repair options. However, many systems with pre-installed versions of Windows offer alternatives such as a separate restore/recovery partition or other diagnostic tools. Does your system include such options?

hi there thanks for your time i run ad-aware and spybot regularly and they only pick up a few tracking cookies as for installed diagnostic tools i have no idea i wasnt made aware of any and to be perfectly honest with you im getting a little out of my depth here so if you do have any suggestions could you please be quite specific cheers!!!

p.s and task manager is working o.k

as for installed diagnostic tools i have no idea i wasnt made aware of any

What is the make/model of the computer?

it is a dell 4500

Why don't you run the check disk utility and check the volume for errors.

Have you checked your PATH?

START | RUN | CMD {enter}

path {enter}

paste reuslts

hi there this is what it came up with if ive done it right: PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\system32\wbem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLL Shared
this means nothing to me as im just a beginner so if could help out in any way it would be well appreciated thanks for your time cheers!!!!


it is a dell 4500

Dell often installs a hidden diagnostic partition on their drives, which you can access by hitting the F12 key just as your computer first starts up. However, the diagnostics they provide may or may not help with your particular problem.

As I asked before: what exactly are you trying to fix with msconfig?

2. msconfig should live in your C:\Windows\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries folder; look for it there.

I Am Trying To Speed Up My Boot Time Seems To Be Taking Ages Lately I'm Trying To See Whats Loading And If Its Unnessessery

hello again msconfig is were you said it should be C:\Windows\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries and the p.c. has been completely wiped and had a fresh install about 9 months ago so i dont think it is still as DELL intended it to be as f12 doesnt seem to do anything as it boots up. Once again thanks for your time and thanks in advance for any future input cheers.

If the 'puter has been wiped and Windows has been freshly reinstalled, then you're probably right- the Dell Diag. partition might very well have been deleted.

You said that you were able to find msconfig. Were you able to run it and use it to trim down your startup time?

I can run it from there but i havnt trimmed anything down yet need to know more about what im doin first am just learning thats how come my p.c's a bit messed up to start with do you know a good site to identify start up items??

Hi jackdog1,

I can give you some answers to your questions, but they'll have to wait until tomorrow. Hang in there.

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