I have a problem with my desk top Icons and some files. Probaly a restore would fix it , but I have Norton Internet Security and it wont let me do a system restore. My Recycle bin Icon is on top of several of my I cons it looks like a double exposure...Anyone got any idea how to fix t:'(his?

. My Recycle bin Icon is on top of several of my I cons it looks like a double exposure...Anyone got any idea how to fix t:'(his?

using the left button on your mouse and hold it down on the icon and drag it off the other icon ,
have you scanned you computer for viruses lately here is a good program to do so if you need it .

CaperJack,ty for your help. I am downloading link u sent, It isnt 2 seperate Icons stuck together,It is on my desk top on 3 of my Icons. and in some of my file it showrecycle bin as the folder. It works just agervating

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