I have Windows Vista and my Dell desktop can't get out of the blank screen. For a few weeks it would take a while to come out of hibernation but now it won't at all. No mouse either. All I get are occasional vertical lines that flash every few seconds. I've tried turning the monitor and computer off and on, even to the point of unplugging them. When I turn the computer on I can hear it booting. In fact, I was able to use my password to start Windows Vista even though I couldn't see anything -- could only hear it. My monitor is an Acer AL1912, about 4 years old.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem and solution could be?

sounds more like a dead lcd .not stuck in hibernation

Thanks for the reply. What's an lcd? Is that the monitor?
BTW, last night I unplugged the monitor and turned off the computer. This morning after some screen flashes and stumbling the monitor is now working. But this problem only seems to happen after the computer goes into hybernation/sleep mode.

Thanks for the reply. What's an lcd? Is that the monitor?
BTW, last night I unplugged the monitor and turned off the computer. This morning after some screen flashes and stumbling the monitor is now working. But this problem only seems to happen after the computer goes into hybernation/sleep mode.

sorry thought it was a laptop. yes lcd is monitor ,but now that i see its a desktop you likely don't have a lcd monitor .
all i can say is disable hibernation ,its something i never use or like anyway ,as its so erratic ,as you can see

I have Windows Vista and my Dell desktop can't get out of the blank screen. For a few weeks it would take a while to come out of hibernation but now it won't at all. No mouse either. All I get are occasional vertical lines that flash every few seconds. I've tried turning the monitor and computer off and on, even to the point of unplugging them. When I turn the computer on I can hear it booting. In fact, I was able to use my password to start Windows Vista even though I couldn't see anything -- could only hear it. My monitor is an Acer AL1912, about 4 years old.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem and solution could be?

Had vista home prem. on my laptop had like problem every time I put os in hibernation or sleep I would have to do a reboot or system repair I never found a cure so I shot vista and upgraded to Win-7 problem cured. good luck. Later---

Caperjack, here is an update to my monitor situation. I took your advice and disabled the hibernation and simply left my computer on all the time. Worked fine until yesterday when my computer got really really slow and I felt I really needed to reboot. I knew rebooting would probably mean the monitor wouldn't work again since it seems either hibernation or turning the monitor off would make the screen black again. After rebooting the computer last night and leaving it on I came into my office to find that the monitor still isn't working. Even when I turn off the computer and monitor and unplug their power, then turn them back on, the monitor is still stuck in black screen. At this point I'm ready to buy a new monitor. When the screen on the old unit goes black, there are no messages, no mouse, no nothing. The little green light constantly blinks. I want to make sure that it is indeed my monitor that has gone bad before buying a new one. If it was, say, my video card that was bad, wouldn't I still get a "no signal" message on my monitor after turning off my computer? I used to back when it was working properly. I even tried hooking my monitor up to my laptop and hitting the FN/F8 button but nothing happened. Do you know of any other way to make sure it's my monitor that has gone bad?
Thanks for your help

Oh, and another thing, my Acer AL1912 monitor is indeed an LCD desktop monitor.

well the fact that it shows nothing when you hood laptop top to is says a lot .as for checking monitor ,short of taking it to a repair shop ,only way i know is to hook monitor to a know working computer

Well, I took my monitor to Micro Center and just before I was ready to buy a new one, I asked them to see if it is indeed my monitor that's bad. The guy hooked it up to another computer in front of me and sure enough, it worked fine.
Does this mean I have a bad video card? I brought my old monitor home, plugged it back into my PC and same thing -- black screen with blinking green light.

i cant say for sure ,it could be video card or it could be windows not functioning properly ,you need to try plugging it into another monitor!
not to confuse you but some computer have both onboard video and a add in video card ,if you have 2 you could remove the addin and try the onboard .
the pluggin for onboard is blue and up top around the keyboard and mouse conections

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