Does anyone know if and where drivers for the R3000 can be found? I would like to keep this laptop going but want to upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium if I can find the drivers.

Has anyone successfully upgraded from XP Pro to Windows 7 on the R3000?

Any suggestions will be appreciated

not sure about your laptop but i have a compaq v2000,installed win7 and it had all the drivers the laptop need to run and run well.
also you cant upgrade from winxp to win7 ,you must do a new install of win7 ,so backup your data first

Yes, you can not upgrade directly from winxp to win7.

Yes, you can not upgrade directly from winxp to win7.

i said that all ready ,no nee for everyone to same same thing !!!!
oh yeah you just spamming links


did this get sorted,ive just done a windows 7 install on my compaq r3000 and have problems with the both the graphics and sound cards.

the monitor is being recognised as a generic monitor and wont display the proper res
the soundcard is the realtek a97 and that wont work either despite me trying various updates and the device manager telling me i have the latest driver installed

any ideas guys??


cant run ati setup either it tells me to try to setup your display adaptor with a standard vga driver before running setup

you have to install all the drivers by the INTERNET via online update of the system because there is no direct source of the drivers which can available on the net or any where else.


sorry do you mean a windows update,i have tried that and it doesnt work.

has anyone actually got this working?thinking of going back to xp very soon!

Does anyone know if and where drivers for the R3000 can be found? I would like to keep this laptop going but want to upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium if I can find the drivers.

Has anyone successfully upgraded from XP Pro to Windows 7 on the R3000?

Any suggestions will be appreciated

I just finished a successful upgrade of my R3000 (which was running ridiculously slow with XP) to Windows 7. The only issue was the audio driver. You have to follow the instructions here (HP support site) to get the audio to work.

I haven't tried any games or anything on the system to verify that the graphics driver is up to snuff (since this system isn't going to be used for gaming anymore).

I know it's late, but I hope that helps!

Oh, and it looks like the graphics card doesn't support DirectX 9.0 -- looking for a workaround for that one now. Graphics look ok, but the text is a little fuzzy and I lose picture at some resolutions... running at a nice, old-school 1024x768 right now :)

The result of dozens of hours of benchmarking and over a hundred charts will answer quite a few questions:

1) If performance is improved, will it be due to improved multitasking and/or multithreading?
2) Can users of old systems (and single-threaded Netbooks) expect a performance increase as well?
3) Will gaming improve on an older CPU with a newer graphics card?
4) Will any gaming improvements be related to driver software (Nvidia vs AMD)?

And probably a lot more!

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