Hey guys i have a problem with installing some programs, Like avira security, Pro tools LE, I get and error that reads = 'This installation Package could not be opened . Verify that the package exist and that you have access to it,or contact application vendor tp verify that this is a valid windows installer package.'
I've done that, and i've tried installing a s aministrator, and running as administrator, And no luck, So if anyone could, help or even point me in the right direction it'll be much appreciated thank you..

Hi Povsta, there is an issue with the installation. To resolve this, you need to download and install Windows Installer Cleanup Utility tool. You can download it from here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290301

Upon running this, it will fix all the installation conflicts. Once it is done, you can continue with the installation of applications.

Maybe problem with outdated MS Installer.

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