There are a few programs that are totally getting on my nerves with their updates. Windows is my latest pet peeve. I find it difficult to believe that there are grand changes to Vista that require updates several times a week.
Windows Live and Fingerprint are examples of what was installed with Windows Updates. I feel these type of optional, but they aren't. I have tried uninstalling both, but they will reappear shortly. This is no update at all. It's invasive programming, as I see it.
Microsoft is far from the only one that is a bit invasive. Adobe is pretty bad also. It is MY Photoshop program. Adobe will constantly browse through my computer. I blocked all Adobe access and Photoshop flags and error shutting down. I uninstalled the reader or flashplayer. It didn't take long for Adobe to notice. IE kept prompting me about it. I started using Firefox.
Maybe what is bothering me is that I paid for my computer, internet access and my software. Shouldn't I have a choice over what is installed on my computer and ability to browse through it?