Hi there I'm new to the forums so bear with me =)

My friend just created his own domain. The first time I accessed it, it was just a simple "hi" message because he had no webpage up yet. Now he has a web page up, and even after deleting my cookies, clearing my cache, rebooting everything...I still only get the webpage with the "hi" popping up insteda of the new one he put up. Everybody else when they click on his URL gets the proper web page to display but me.

He thinks somehow IE is just remembering the old cache and won't delete it. How do I fix this? I would have thought a simple wiping of the cache would do it. This is getting frustrating.

Thanks in advance for any advice =)


get him to email you a link to it and try that or retype in his address

Could you provide us a link to the site? This way we can see if it really is, indeed, up and functioning for us correctly? ;) Clearing the cache should have done the trick.

My friend just created his own domain. The first time I accessed it, it was just a simple "hi" message because he had no webpage up yet. Now he has a web page up, and even after deleting my cookies, clearing my cache, rebooting everything...I still only get the webpage with the "hi" popping up instead of the new one he put up.

To force a page reload in Internet Explorer, hold down the [Shift] key while left-clicking the mouse on the Refresh button in the browser tool bar. In the rare event that this does not work, try the same thing with the [Ctrl] key. This forces a reload and works for all browsers.

By the way, it's impossible to completely clear the Internet Explorer Temporary Files cache unless you do it manually. See Microsoft's Really Hidden Files for more on this.

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