
The shortcut to minimize to desktop (Windows key + D) is not working ever since I upgrade to Windows 7. It's almost like windows just ignores the combination.

This was really useful to me. Does anybody know why it isn't working or what else I can do?

Thanks in advance!

I never knew the windows key + D combination, but it works for me...

The key combination I use which seems to do the exact same thing (minimize all windows)
is "Windows Key + M".

Hope this helps.

Thanks, but does anyone else know what is causing this problem?



may be some you changed the settings on your keyboard shortcut at the control panel

Thanks thats a good idea, but I looked and where can I change keyboard shortcuts in Windows?

Even a .reg file would be okay for me. Thanks!

what kind of keyboard do you have ,is just a basic kb or is it a multimedia keyboard did it come with a driver cd,maybe it need win7 drivers installed if it a Multi media type keyboard

It is the laptop keyboard

oh ,no mention in any of you post about it being a laptop .forget what i said then ! lol


Well i upgraded my OS from Xp to WIN7, and its still working, for sure, there is a reg problem.


Umm, anyone?

In general these are shortcut keys for Windows XP and Windows 7:

# Windows Logo+M: Minimize all
# SHIFT+Windows Logo+M: Undo minimize all

if these shortcut keys are not working means your keyboard settings are changed.
please check it with other system.

Any doubts ask me...


If desk top Up date drivers for your exact model key board If lappy go to manufacture's site and up date to win 7 drivers Later---

Okay, I think I will update drivers, but Windows D is not working.


Reference this Thread http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread183545.html it contains post about this problem. Also when I up graded from vista-need to wash hands after typing that word- I had to up date drivers from laptop manufacture to get keyboard and several other items to function correctly. Later---

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