Does any body knows that why i am facing problem in my Window 7? I have installed WINDOW 7 few weeks back and since than i have reinstalled it three time..

Does any one know how can i secure my window 7 from viruses?

Thanks in advance!

first you need to use a anti virus program ,second you need to watch where you surf and second you need to tell us what problems you are having .

decent free virus program from microsoft .

Does any body knows that why i am facing problem in my Window 7? I have installed WINDOW 7 few weeks back and since than i have reinstalled it three time..

Does any one know how can i secure my window 7 from viruses?

Thanks in advance!

You must install antivirus program on your system. Kaspersky is best antivirus for Windows 7.

Thank you very much for the help! Now i am feeling comfortable.. I actually installed zend antivirus but was really worried because of Viruses. Now i will replace it with the kaspersky antivirus!

Thanks Guys!

nothing is better than Norton Antivirus 2010 !

nothing is better than Norton Antivirus 2010 !

How do we take that? Does that mean having no anti virus is better than installing Norton or that Norton is the best anti-virus around? :)

It means, that.. the best Antivirus program is Norton

I have had no problems since installing MS Security Essentials, greta for the price.:D

Malwarebytes and Avira AntiVir. Best FREEEEE setup. Unless you prefer to put a blindfold on and start clicking things

If you are a home user, then MS Security Essentials is usually sufficient. Norton is rubbish, slows your computer down to much, uses loads of resources. Avira is good so is Avast ... All free.

because it is made by microsoft...

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