My computer wasnt shut down right. it was turned off right from the button and didnt get to close anything down. now when i try to delet the history of the computer the sites wont go away. i know that when the computer is shut down wrong the sites get corrupted or something so they cant be deleted. does anyone know how i can get rid of these or if there is a free program that i can download?


Google for evidence eliminator there are others but it's the only one to com e to mind right now. It should be able to clear those out for you.

I also have issues with deleting history in IE. Try deleting any entries from "My Computer" forst, and then deleting the rest. I don't know why this works, but it does for me...

My computer wasnt shut down right. it was turned off right from the button and didnt get to close anything down. now when i try to delet the history of the computer the sites wont go away. i know that when the computer is shut down wrong the sites get corrupted or something so they cant be deleted. does anyone know how i can get rid of these or if there is a free program that i can download?

The official Microsoft utility TweakUI has this functionality, I think under the Paranoia tab. For Windows XP, download it from -- for Windows 2000 or earlier, download it from

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