First time trying dban formt. Hopeing that I acn reinstall windows after all is said and done. This is a little scarry!! I think that I ended up getting a worm from downloading a torrent file off My other computer started consumeing it's own virtual memory. (It seemed like it was killing it's self)Then it completely blocked me from system recorvery and system format. found Dban seemed like the only option. Anybody out there??

Have you tried cleaning the malware? Cleaning is very often possible and successful.Will your OS run, even in Safe Mode? Do you have an active AV? Did it report a problem? Have you tried a malware scan? Cleaning is normally easier than reinstalling [it's not the reinstallation, but the resetting of your personal settiings, reloading all updates and software and drivers which takes days].
==Please download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
=Dclick that file, mbam-setup.exe, to install the application,
-ensure that it is set to update and start, else start it via the icon, and UPDATE it.
Select "Perform QUICK Scan", then click Scan; the application will guide you through the remaining steps.
ENSURE that EVERYTHING found has a CHECKMARK against it, then click Remove Selected.
If malware has been found [and removed] MBAM will automatically produce a log for you when it completes... do not click the Save Logfile button.
Examine the log: if some files are listed as Delete on Reboot then restart your machine before continuing.
Copy and post that log [it is also saved under Logs tab in MBAM].

I'd walk over hot coals before I embarked upon a raw reinstallation. Which is why I update a disk image occasionally.
If it coms down to it Dban is painfree. Apart from the empty disk you end up with, and what lies ahead.

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