I am new to generating a thread, hope I can get some relief after many days of trying to get information.

Have Gateway 450ROG labtop, attacked by spyvirus, advised to remove all files and all programs/information on hard drive. Also replace BIOS battery which freed up BIOS for admin access, don't know if password must be inputted or can be left blank.

Trying to locate drivers to load on hard drive, trying to use NexStarSX with its driver CD, learned that drivers require Op sys s/w to load them and op sys s/w needs drivers to load it, a dilemna. Probably need instructions as to how to do this.

Also during set up told that I might need "mfgr supplied diagnostic or set up program" thus set up cannot continue. Also see codes when trying to boot: PXE-E61 Media Test Failure-check cable and PXE-MOF Exiting Intel Boot Agent Op. Sys not found. I don't know what these codes really mean other than their title. Your help will be greatly appreciated, otherwise the trash can is awaiting to receive this laptop which I have gotten attached to! Thanks, sorry for the long thread.

finito-since my send'g thread,connect HD in Nexstar HDD cradle to PC and was able to write and read from HD. Cannot do this on my laptop, suspicious about connection to HD in laptop, also HD not recognized when in cradle and connect to laptop with external cable/USB connectors. Is there a way to learn about connection problems without opening laptop, have no problem opening laptop to look for the obvious, any experience with this level of troubleshooting? thnx.herb 262

finito-since my send'g thread,connect HD in Nexstar HDD cradle to PC and was able to write and read from HD. Cannot do this on my laptop, suspicious about connection to HD in laptop, also HD not recognized when in cradle and connect to laptop with external cable/USB connectors. Is there a way to learn about connection problems without opening laptop, have no problem opening laptop to look for the obvious, any experience with this level of troubleshooting? thnx.herb 262

Not very Sure if I understood what you want to do?

Your internal Harddrive is not being detected?

or The USB drive is not being detected?

If it's your USB drive try changing ports, USB ports die (I don't know the technical term or why they die but they die. Well I know why they die they short out)

Anyway try another USB port.

finito: Appreciate your attention. Here's where I am now on this thread.

Connected HD externally to PC and only clicked couple of times, can hear/feel it rotating/running, was able to copy and read to/from HD. Yes USB connection on laptop was not successful using external connection. BTW, external was using the NexStar cradle/cabling. I tried both USB ports, only 2 on laptop, no difference, HD clicks all the time and does not seem to rotate/run, can hear it doing so.

Since the CD Drive is operating I plan to disassemble laptop and connect HD to CD Drive connector to power it up, if HD seems okay means both HD/power supply are operating, if HD not operating then suspect it is truly bad. If HD seems okay, then must troubleshoot the HD interface connector to see if it is a problem to be able to power up the HD. Even if that is okay, I learned that the controller may be defective if it doesn't recognize the existance of the HD drive. I believe that I will have to reassemble laptop to see if controller is not defective and can recognize the HD. Otherwise I don't know of a way to test the controller with the laptop disassembled. Any ideas.

If you question this logic, would appreciate your feedback. Also would like to get my hands on the schematics, mechanical troubleshooting has its limitations, electronics are electronics! Thanks so much for your time.

Laptops don't have a standard for CD-Drive Ports in this case.

If you are hearing clicks then it is a hard drive fault, You can't do anything here. Your Drive is dieing, if you really wish to access it. In such a situation I have only had luck in Linux.

The only other option that I know of is to give it in for professional Recovery.

Not sure if earlier msg reached yu. As mentioned earlier when HD connected externally to Desk PC was able to read and write to it, also recall that when connected to laptop externally or internally device list did not recognize HD, but also device list did not recognize CD-drive, might I have a second problem?

As I said earlier I blame your USB ports for the external Connection problem.

When you say you tried the hardrive internally. What exactly do you mean?

Did you plug in the External 2.5 HD into where your standard drive goes?

Are you saying it didn't read it there and are assuming that the port doesn't work?

Well does the Original Drive work from there?

As for when you say that you tried the NexStar Drive in the Cd port. same question does the CD Rom drive work on that port?

As I stated earlier if you are hearing clicking noises from your drive it's dead or dieing. BACK UP your data ASAP.


I understand that USB ports may be faulty, haven't tried to use them or other purposes recently since computer is not up and running.

Hard drive internally-I mean plugged into/installed in its regular location slot on the lsptop.

Yes it didn't read, nor was it detecting in the device menu I used, nor in another test I used to recognize it. Basically message was hard drive not connected or similar wording, which is what started this whole exercise, weeks ago.

When I refer to hard drive, I am referring to the Original Drive, i.e. hard drive that was in the laptop.

I have not tried the NexStar cradle, holding my hard drive, in the CD port, no possible way to make such a connection. What I am considering is to disassemble the laptop to gain access to the CD drive inside interface connector and try to plug the original laptop hard drive into that interface connector to see if I can power it up. Some of my rationale to do this is explained in earlier messages on this topic.

FYI, the same testing software I was using earlier that didn't recognize the existance of the hard drive, also does not recognize the presence of the CD drive on the device listing.

I do recall you statement earlier about hard drive being bad. This hard drive has already been cleared of all date and installed software, which was done day one, many weeks ago.Appreciate the reminder though.

My most recent messages on this topic have been to make sure that the power supply and controller are working before I invest into a new hard drive. Also, need to confirm that the connector interface inside the laptop, that connects to the original hard drive is also working properly. Again thanks.

Herb262 I am a little confused. How may I help you?

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