My outlook at times does not receive all e mails, in addition, it held on the password section...The ISP told me that I should look into un installing outlook..

Is there any type of thing/program that FIXES it or can someone advise how to un install and re install?

Thank you.


I think I can help but I need a little more information.

Which Outlook are you having trouble with? Is it the default one with your Windows OS (if so which OS) or is one from an MS Office install?

How do you know it is not receiving all emails and what can you tell about the ones that you are not getting? COuld be a size limit on your mailbox or the number of recipients.

IF one of the messages was rejected and returned can you post the rejection notice.

If you google "IE8 Outlook" you see a slew of complaints. Main solution seems to be to uninstall IE8, which is somewhat a problem if you have W7. M$ have a page on uninstallation, search "remove IE8".
The plaints seem to end around mid 2009... is your sys up to date?


I think I can help but I need a little more information.

Which Outlook are you having trouble with? Is it the default one with your Windows OS (if so which OS) or is one from an MS Office install?

How do you know it is not receiving all emails and what can you tell about the ones that you are not getting? COuld be a size limit on your mailbox or the number of recipients.

IF one of the messages was rejected and returned can you post the rejection notice.


ITS WEIRD, I AM A VERIZON Client, SOME VERIZON SUBSCRIBERS HAVE E MAILED ME ..YET AT TIMES I DONT GET THE E MAIL....From what I can determine its ONLY verizon customers I debated this with one person and another said the same....The ISP hmm doesnt seem to buy this...yesterday the outlook kept bringing up the dialog box to enter name and password, yet nothing changed from the night before. I spent hours with their tech person...the problem is kind of strange to say the least. At this point I really dont know.

Reinstalliing OE is fairly straightforward. [To uninstall you just uncheck it in CP > Add/Remove Windows Components and perhaps delete a few of its .exe files [not the .dlls, another client might need them!], but there is no point in your doing that].
Reinstalling: First clear all the mailboxes - save the emails you want, then go to the OE folder in your Docs n Sets folder and copy the .dbx files to a data store. Delete the originals. Then:
Part 1: msoe50.inf
-Open an Explorer window, search for msoe50.inf -the default location for this file is in the C:\Windows\Inf folder [show hidden files and folders].
-Right click the Msoe50.inf file, and then click Install.
-Insert your Windows XP SP2 CD-ROM when prompted and on it locate the I386 folder, click Open, and then click OK.
Outlook Express files have installed and registered.

Part 2. wab50.inf
-search for wab50.inf -the default location for this file is in the C:\Windows\Inf folder.
-Right-click the Wab50.inf file, and then click Install.
-In the I386 folder on the CD-ROM click Open, and then click OK.
Outlook Express address book has installed.

Outlook Express is now reinstalled. Start it to test its functionality. Recreate your identities. You can copy back in the old .dbx files at any time if you wish to use them [just inbox.dbx and any other special files.. ie mail created.
A note: if you delete any .dbx file OE will recreate it next time it starts.

From what I wrote about SELECTIVE e mails could this indeed be the case and need to re install or is it the ISP?

I once used an email client tool in conjunction with OE which automatically downloaded emails from yahoo. It increasingly gave password errors so I switched my email accounts to my ISP, reconfigured OE and it has run perfectly since.
It was a problem with Yahoo, not OE. Try creating another email account with your ISP, or deleting all mails in the ISP accounts you have. An email "folder" with a number of emails in it is simply a long file to which new emails are added serially; email separation is via the From/To and Date headers in each email. Any corruption in a single email will present as the whole folder being corrupted.

So are you saying this might cause PW issues and more oddly not getting e mails from SOME verizon customers which they say they have sent?

Not password issues. That is likely an ISP problem. But as a first step you should log in to your Verizon account and delete completely all emails after you deal with them.
A sniffer like Wireshark will enable you to see the login conversation between your sys and Verizon. Here is my login, the server holds 65 emails, 23234190 bytes total, and all have been downloaded before [c=client, s=server][naturally enough I have removed my login and pasword]:

DNS standard query response ptr
pop c: user xxxedout
pop s: +ok
pop c: pass xxxedoutalso
pop s: +ok Logged in.
pop c: stat
POP S: +0K 65 23234190
POP s: +OK 65 messages:
pop c: uidl 1
POP S: +OK 1 0000115b4a077fa9
pop s: +ok
pop c: quit
pop s: +OK Logging out.

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