Hope someone can help me

Windows xp will no longer boot in any mode. The normal mode gets the farthest but the system resets and tries over and over without succes.

Now for the kicking part (myself not the machine) i didn't make a recovery disk and the machine came loaded with windows, so no disks!

The manufacturer says they can no longer provide me with the disks so i am on my own.

Can i repair xp without disks? I might have a hidden partition with the install files but i dont know how to axcess

please help


Does you system logon and then restarts ??? or restarts without logging on .... if latter is the case then try using last known good configuration ....


Try that cd, it has many useful tools. if that doesn't work, then i'd suggest downloading linux Mandriva for a backup O.S. until you can purchase a new copy of XP. You can get XP for not much over $50 from pricegrabber.com

Thanks for the advice

I May also have an option to get disks from oem supplier linked to microsoft but we'll see how that goes.

you have no idea how many phone calls i have made just to get an honest copy of windows.

no wonder people pirate windows software they can't even help me with a legitament copy that i bought and paid for.

Hey maybe it'll be fun to learn the linux system......

If Windows is Preinstalled they put a sticker on the case with the serial number. Using that number you can install XP from another source or order a replacement CD at a reasonable fee.

Oh.. On the bright side...
You will LOVE Linux... I use Knoppix and/or Mepis
They are very easy to get up and running...
They come with all the basic tools...
Wordprocessor, spreadsheet, Browser, Email, Chat, CD & DVD Burner, etc.
You may outgrow these distros but they are a great place to start...

I multi-boot with 98, XP and Linux... Easy to setup...

Need to know make and model of the computer please.

no name

magion built by synergio for avado

i did get a request form to aquire the disks from a third party oem associated with microsoft $30

Then you need to spend the $30 and acquire those disks ;)

(I don't believe that sales arrangement would be legal here in Australia, by the way. I'm not sure if it would be anywhere else either.)

If Windows is Preinstalled they put a sticker on the case with the serial number. Using that number you can install XP from another source or order a replacement CD at a reasonable fee.

Oh.. On the bright side...
You will LOVE Linux... I use Knoppix and/or Mepis
They are very easy to get up and running...
They come with all the basic tools...
Wordprocessor, spreadsheet, Browser, Email, Chat, CD & DVD Burner, etc.
You may outgrow these distros but they are a great place to start...

I multi-boot with 98, XP and Linux... Easy to setup...

He's very right. borrow somebody's disk, but be sure it's the same version.

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