I have recently started having problems were I suddenly am presented with a blue screen your computer has encountered an error and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage ... It usually says something to the effect of uninstall new software or hardware, I have not installed any new hardware or software lately. It also sometimes says disable disk caching or shadowing?? At times it is worse than others, sometimes I cant even start-up without getting the screen, other times I can use the pc for hours with no issues. XP Pro is right up to date with all updates. Virus checking always up to date. I have run a registry check, spyware checks etc. etc. everything seems to be clean, even did a defrag. Im frustrated.
daddy1 0 Newbie Poster
nanosani 20 Technize.net addict Team Colleague
daddy1 0 Newbie Poster
daddy1 0 Newbie Poster
alc6379 120 Cookie... That's it Team Colleague
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DMR 152 Wombat At Large Team Colleague
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