I've been trying to defrag my local disk C, however it only shows the D drive. Even when I right click on C and get to the defrag via properties it shows D only.

Any suggestions?

OK now please post what OS and a little about what you have tried, also what you're computer is. Then someone will be along to assist be patient as we are short on volunteers due to summer activities. Later---

I'm on a Fujitsu Lifebook T series, using Windows 7. I've just tried going through the disk defrager...and I do not see my local disk there. I've also tried right clicking on my C drive and going to the defrager via properties. Each time I only see the D drive.

hi,not sure why it only shows D:, try 3rd party defraggler,safe and free i use it regularly ,its from the makers of Ccleaner another great free program .

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