First i will give you my system information, and tell me is my motherboard capable and combatible with a 512MB ATI RADEON HD 4350 Graphics Card.
Processor: Intel Celeron D 347 3066 MHz
CPU Clock: 3066.0 MHz (23.0 x 133.3 Mhz QDR)
Level 1 Cache: 16kB+12k uOp (data+instr.)
Level 2 Cache: 512 kB
System Name: ECS 662/1066T -M2
Motherboard Vendor: Intel Corporation
Board Model: ECS 662/1066T -M2
BIOS Version: AMI BIOS 080013 for Intel
Chipset Name: SiS 662
Chipset Vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS)
Chpset: CPU to PCI Bridge
Southbridge Vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS)
Southbridge: PCI to ISA Bridge
DMI/SMBIOS Version: 2.3
Memory Size: 2096440 kB (2047.30 MB) (Note: First it was 1GB)
System Memory: 2048 MB
Memory Module: 1024 MB
Memory Module: 1024 MB
Floppy Drive: Floppy 1.44 MB (3.5")
HDD Model: ST3500418AS
HDD Size: 476940 MB (465.76 GB) ( First i had a 80GB Hard Drive before i put the SATA 465GB one)
CD/DVD Model: Compaq DVD-ROM DVD-117
CD-DVD Speed: 40x
Monitor Vendor: BenQ
Monitor Model: BenQ T720 (BNQ 7693)
Video Chip Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc
Video Chip: RV710 (RADEON HD 4350)
Video Memory Size: 512 MB
Sound Chip Vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS)
Sound Chip: SiS7012 Audio Codec
(Operating System)
Operating System: MS Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7600)
Windows Folder: C:\Windows
Modem Vendor: Conexant Systems
Modem Model: HSF 56k HSFi Churchill Data/Fax Modem
Interface Description: Dial-up Connection
Adapter Vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS)
Adapter Name: SiS900 10/100 Etherner Adapter
LPT Ports: LPT(0378h)
COM Ports: COM1(03F8h)

Am getting Blue screens, the sure thing that a blue screen should come after i turn on my computer, for example if i shut down my computer for 5 hours when then i turn it on i face a Blue screen probably after 45Minutes-1-2-3 Hours every time i get a different error. First my computer was a 64MB Internal SiS Mirage graphics card and i rarely faced bluee screens, one blue screen may come every 2 weeks. But now i changed my card to nVIDIA N8400GS and i got nviddmkm.sys Error Blue screen every time i turn on the computer, i decided to change it and changed it to ATI RADEON HD 4350 512MB After that first i got a blue screen showing USBPORT.sys they told me it's a USB driver issue so i removed my USB Keyboard and put a PS-2 Keyboard, i downloaded the latest ATI HD 4350 Display drivers and installed it, and while am running an online game it's called "Conquer Online" and running Windows Media Player 11 not doing anything else then after about 40 minutes i got a blue screen:
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer, if this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. if this is a new installation ask your hardware software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.
If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup options, and then select Safe Mode.
Technical information
***STOP: 0X00000050(0XDDA49BD3,0X00000000,0X89B811B0,0X00000002)
*** Watchdog.sys- Address 89B811B0 base at 89B80000, DateStamp 4a5bc21a
Collecting data for crash dump...
initializing disk for crash dump...
beginning dump of physical memory.
Dumping physical memory to disk: 100
physical memory dump complete.
Contact your system admin or technical support group for further assistance.

Is this a graphics drivers issue or whatever drivers are not just graphic or is it my computer's issue.

Any help please.


This Kind of Error Called Hardware Error.There is no Major Problem Just Remove Your RAM Clean the RAM slot With the Cotton.Now reinstall the RAM in the RAM Slot.

I have removed the new 1GB RAM and left my old one inside
and the computer is on for 6 Hours and no Bluee Screens until now.

So what the problem could be?
Can i try that?
1- Leave only my old 1GB RAM inside for 2-3 days and see ifany problems happened.

2- after checking if no problem happened when my only 1 GB RAM inside after 3 days, then put the new 1GB RAm with the other one and see if any Blue screen comes, if it did happen any problem, so the problem would be involved in RAMs.

3- From here i can analyze, if no problem happened when my only 1 GB RAM is inserted then i can take it out and put only the 1GB new one and see if any blue screen comes, if not so the new RAM is OK?

4- So since no blue screen comes when:
1- The old 1GB is only inserted.
2- The new 1GB is only inserted.
And blue screen comes when the two are inserted together.

So the problem might and should be when the two RAMs are inserted, if this happened to be right though, So what is the solution for it?
Any ideas

OK I can try the new RAM only inserted in the same slot where the old RAM is inserted and see if any Blue screen happens so if not then the RAM is ok, and try the other slot, but what if the other slot the RAM wprked ok as well?

Graphics Card

Have you tried the Integrated video card? Does it blue screen then?
Did you uninstall the NVIDIA drivers before installing your ATI?

When trouble shooting ram its best if you do one stick at a time.

Your on the right track by removing your new stick too see if your old stick Blue Screens the PC. So did your old stick Blue screen?

Your next test will be to remove your old stick and seat your new stick and boot PC leave on until it blue screens. If it does not blue screen then your old stick is more than likely bad.

Another option would be to use a utility called Memtest. Again do on one stick at a time and let it run for a few hours so it completes a few passes. One pass might not show a problem.

Does the Motherboard see both sticks when insterted?

Did you take both sticks out and clean the slots as roseroyal suggests?

Are both sticks the exactly the same? If possible please give a bit more info on the sticks i.e the Make, Memory Speed (not Memory Size),Error Correction, Memory Latency
If your not sure can you link both sticks to a website so we can see.

Your PC
How old is your PC? what version of windows was orginally installed?
Did you buy your PC from a shop or did you build yourself?
If you bought from shop can you provide a link?

No the old stick of RAM has not blue screened until now? So it is OK?
And i haven't cleaned the slots? So would i better if i tested the other RAM in the same slot? and if i haven't found any problem so i can ceck them one at a time in the other slot, right?

My computer is a build computer my father built it in a shop not a whole new computer, but it worked fine with one 1GB RAM for about 2 years now.

No the old stick of RAM has not blue screened until now? So it is OK?
And i haven't cleaned the slots? So would i better if i tested the other RAM in the same slot? and if i haven't found any problem so i can ceck them one at a time in the other slot, right?

My computer is a build computer my father built it in a shop not a whole new computer, but it worked fine with one 1GB RAM for about 2 years now.

ahh ok I think I understand, PC still runing ok with one stick and its your old one..
in that case, take out old and put in new (same slot). Boot pc and see what happens after a few hours, if it does blue screen then yes its more than likely that new ram is bad.
If does not blue screen then yeah try same tests on second slot.

How long have you been running W7 on this build?

I was running Windows XP Professional when my father braught it for about 1 yesr, but lately my brother told me there is a new Windows it's Windows 7 better than XP as it also made many problems like Task Manager has been disabled by your adminstrator.

What if the other slot OK , when i make test on it and no blue screens as well?

I have removed my old RAM and put the new one in the same slot but 2:15 Hours and no blue screens now as well, so what is the problem, seems both the old RAM and the new one or not bad?

Thanks for pics, however they are blurred therefore I cannot make out the detail.
Could you please give the details by noting everthing down then post here. However it looks like your mixing your ram ie they are not matching.

Also you should leave PC alot longer with the new stick.

If your just leaving PC idle then see what happens when you play the game again test with each stick.

Did you try each ram in the 2nd slot?

Before installing W7 did you run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor?

Am installing a new Windows, because it wont make sure if i have solved the problem.
If the blue screen haven't come at the first time turn on the computer then the problem has been solved right?

Does anyone know what is this in Kernel Memory (MB) this Paged and Nonpaged things?

Does this nuber that is under Nonpaged if it increases to a certain number it causes this blue screen that says: FAULT_PAGE_IN_NONPAGED_AREA?

This is my laptop it's 3GB RAM and this thing shows on it:
Paged: 75
Nonpaged: 20

And my desktop computer which is 2GB RAM and causes the blue screens shows this:
Paged: 129
Nonpaged: 29-30-31

A Blue Screen can happen at any time it depends on the severity of the problem.

How about going back a restore point. ie you can restore your W7 install to a date in the past so why not restore prior to installing your nvidia graphic card.

Here is how to do a system restore in W7
You can view each restore point to see what will be deleted, so once you find the restore point that will delete your nvidia drivers thats the once to restore from.

If your PC uses up all the ram then the pc will use a portion of your haed drive as if it ram, this is also know as Virtual Memory. However you could also run of Virtual Memory, So increase you need to goto Control Panel > System > Click the Advance Tab > Click the settings button under Performance. On the next window click advance tab > Click change button. Change the Inital Size (MB) and Maximum Size (MB) click Set Button Then OK.

A Blue Screen can happen at any time it depends on the severity of the problem.

How about going back a restore point. ie you can restore your W7 install to a date in the past so why not restore prior to installing your nvidia graphic card.

Here is how to do a system restore in W7
You can view each restore point to see what will be deleted, so once you find the restore point that will delete your nvidia drivers thats the once to restore from.

If your PC uses up all the ram then the pc will use a portion of your haed drive as if it ram, this is also know as Virtual Memory. However you could also run of Virtual Memory, So increase you need to goto Control Panel > System > Click the Advance Tab > Click the settings button under Performance. On the next window click advance tab > Click change button. Change the Inital Size (MB) and Maximum Size (MB) click Set Button Then OK.

How much of your 2GB is really being used? See Memory in Task Manager

So is it OK if a blue screens came again, even after i formatted the C: and installed the windows again and after i removed the RAMs and reinserted them yesterday and thought the problem is gone, if a blue screen came again after i installed the windowes so it doesn't mean to be related to RAM, maybe related to Windows?

I am not saying that, after a re-install all should be fine.
If you done a reformat instead of going back to a restore point use your intgrated Graphics card for a day or so and use both sticks. play your game and media player see if you get any blue screen.
I am going to be pretty busy today so wont be online as much.

Well, It doesn't seem to be a software(DirectX) issue,
4 Hours now and no blue screens and all is going fine :)

So it was a RAM issue, that should be right?
But am still confused about something how it is fixed.

First i braught a piece of cotton and removed the RAM and cleaned the two slots, then i replaced the RAMs slots, for example:
The blue screens began to show up when:
1- The new RAM is in slot 1
2- The old RAM is in slot 2

So after i cleaned the RAMs slot i replaced putting them like this:
1- The new RAM is in slot 2.
2- The old RAM is in slot 1.

So, who would be sure the problem has been solved because: cleaning the slots or replacing each RAM to a different slot.

But strange, what is the difference in the slots, both of them( 2 slots) looks the same: the same color(Blue)
,the same size.

OK i replaced them again, i just would like to make sure if replacing them and the RAMs slots are an issue.

Am too curios?
But if it blue screened so it means the slots are an issue, but you think it's a problem when i replaced them again to check. if it blue screened i can replace them again and put each one back where they were, right?

But am wandering about something. Is this normal, when i changed the RAMs places and turned on the computer the windows said at the bottom:

Installing device driver: USB Mouse, why it installs it again when it is already installed, does removing RAMs and inserting them again makes changes?

Ooops, it blue screened after 1:50 hour.
here check this it's a minudump file:

After it blue screened i returned the RAMs to where they were again, but do you think it may not be the RAM the blue screen showed somthing about DirectX
dgx.sys and when i use a program called bluescren vies it showed me the minidupm cintains ALC.sys , atidkmag.sys, and it may be also the RAMs slot issue too? so why then it blue screened when i replaced them again, the form they where in in the times it blue screened before.!!


Couple of things that you have not answered,
Did you run the windows 7 compatabilty program prior to installing W7 this would of told you which devices might have a problem after installing W7.

Also I asked you to write down all the details about your new and old ram because I could not see in the pictures you provided. mixing 2 different modules of ram is not really a good idea. If your new ram is faster than old then you will not get much benfit as your new module will run slower. Also mixing ram could cause you problems.

Have you checked that your volts are correct for your ram in the BIOS? the volts should be indicated on your modules?

have you tried reinstalling directx?
Are you using your integrated Graphics?

I found this on the Microsoft Website:

Hi! I don't know if I should start a new thread but i have almost same problem too.I was using 512 MB,533 MHz RAM from 2 years.Then I thought of upgradation and bought 1 GB 800 MHz RAM.Now see what interesting are the results-I have Intel D102GGC2 motherboard.There are two interesting problems(interesting because i always enjoys solving problems rather than running pc smoothly-so i keep experimenting).
1.)BOOTING PROBLEM:-Now with two RAMs and Two slots available,the thing should be that i should be able to use any of the RAMs.But I HAVE TO use my old 512 MB RAM in order to boot,1 GB RAM alone is unable to boot.I did my best to find out why-i went to the shop from where i bought new RAM.He told me that he has confirmed and 800 MHz RAM is not supported by your board.He added that it was only 512 MB RAM working on my pc.But actually,I can clearly see that RAM was 1 GB(any idiot can see system RAM-I however checked at BIOS screen-894 MB RAM(which should be for 1 GB i guess)).Also the speed of my pc is as good as 1 GB RAM,using windows 7 ultimate with aero effects plus gaming which is working fine.Now-Why is pc not booting up with 1 GB RAM when it is successfully loading it?Why is older RAM required for booting when it is not used elsewhere??
2.)Second problem is the reason why I HAVE PUT MY PROBLEM IN THIS THREAD. I receive bluescreen error,only in windows 7,vista and xp-not even once i used each for about 6 months.The thing i could reach is Intel says my board doesn't support windows 7--but crashed were on an average after 4 hours when i bought new RAM.Now i have changed the RAM-this one is from a different vendor,same 1 GB,800 MHz,,the error rate drops to about once in a week.
So,What is the boot problem if anyone can see?and what could be the reasons for drop in bluescreen errors??Maybe if i can figure out,i can drop it to even more-once in a month wont hurt me that much.Any other info required will be provided immediately.Thanks for reading however.

Where is the Onboard Graphics here?
I entered Integrated Prepherals menu when i pressed Del on the restart screen and i see these:

Onboard IDE Controller: Both
OnBoard PCI S-ATA Controller: IDE
USB Controller: Enabled
Legacy USB Support: Enabled
OnBoard AUDIO Function: Enabled
Onboard LAN Function: Enabled
Onboard LAN Boot ROM: Disabled
Serial Port 1 Address: 3F8/IRQ4
Onboard IR: Disabled

Parallel Port Address: 378
Parallel Port Mode: ECP
ECP Mode DMA Channel: DMA3
Parallel Port IRQ: IRQ7

Can the blue screen happen if the onboard graphics is still active while the external graphics card is the one am usiing?

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