My computer is an HP Pavilion Media Center Edition 2005; Windows XP.
Upon starting it, I get the message: Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk And Press Enter.
What can I do to get my computer to work???
F8 doesn't work. And on the F1 Setup page, there's only One of the Six Drives that have anything in them.
1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Drive say: [None]
The 2nd Drive: [HL-DT-STDVDRRW].
When I go to Boot Device Priority, it tells me that the Floppy Group, HDD Group, and Network Group are: [NOT INSTALLED]. Only the CD_ROM Group Boot Priority has something and it's the HD letters I wrote above.
I'm no computer genius, and I'm getting really frustrated. Someone, please help!!!