I can't run my Task Manager and I dont know why. I have several theories, but I won't preted I know much about what I'm talking about.
I recently got a new computer, installed limewire and now I dont have a task manager. The reason I think this is relevant is as follows.
Limwire does several things that irk me.
-Runs on startup even though I deselected that option. And I don't think it's in my startup menu, but I don't know for sure how to tell.
-After I end the program, it starts back up, as if it's in a loop.
-Shares Files I have to tell it not to share EVERY TIME I START!!
Why am I talking about Limewire? Because I had it before I downloaded it, You think the simple solution is to uninstall Limewire, but how will that get my Task Manager back?
I used Window's help and given the circumstances I chose the "You need to Re-install the program file" option. It went as follows
-Insert the installation compact disc.
-Click Browse the CD.
-In the folder list, open the I386 folder.
-Find the name of the missing file. which was Taskmgr.ex_ it's
-Copy the compressed file to your systemroot\System32 folder on your hard drive. (which I never could find, and is the reason I gave up and am Posting)
-Click Start, click Run, and then type:
expand %systemroot%\system32\my_file_name.ex_ %systemroot%\system32\my_file_name.exe
and then press ENTER.
I don't know what to do, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.