hi,why my laptop its geting so slow,its a fujitsu siemens amilo pro,windows xp profesional,2gb memory 65gb hdd,free space 32 gb,i download some programs like registry cleaner,but still not wery good,xp supouse to be much faster that vista...if is any solution....
poseidon32 0 Junior Poster in Training
Master Rattley -1 Junior Poster
your laptop is slow because it's not a very good one. Or is it slower then it has previously been?
gerbil 216 Industrious Poster
pos, go to the nasty viruses etc section in this site, and follow the guide in the first star post at top. Post those logs either here or there. Then we may be able to help.
BlackFetus 2 Junior Poster
..scan your laptop with online scanning anti-virus...i prefer to use this one..www.housecall.trendmicro.com..go to settings and click FULL scanning..i hope it helps!..^_^..
poseidon32 0 Junior Poster in Training
i dont think its a virus problem,i buy karpesky last year but i removed from my computer,because it was to slow,and i think that make my computer slow,i use avira antivirus,the free version,im happy with it,its also the graphics its not wery good,if i watch a video i cant see it normal,if i play a game it take wery wery long time...etc...a i forget,i also use iobit securiti 360....

Nirvin M
Do not use registry cleaners. Try disabling unneeded services in control panel.
Borzoi 24 Posting Whiz
if i watch a video i cant see it normal,if i play a game it take wery wery long time...etc...a i forget,i also use iobit securiti 360....
If it's just the graphics, videos not playing right and games working slowly, it might be a problem with the graphics card and not the speed of the computer. Do other programs/files take a while to load?
Agapelove68 0 Junior Poster in Training
Re: Slow computer laptop. Games in themselves can slow down your computer. Have you tried disc deframent? Go to start, all programs, accessories, and system tools. First analyze to see if you computer recommends deframentation. It is usually if not always yout (C and not your FAT32. Analyze both anyways just to be sure. In you (C which is your NTFS it will probably say after analyzing that they need defragment. This will enable your computer to find those everyday programs that you use, instead of struggling to find that file. Have you tried to delete your temporary internet files? You can either push start, run, and put in %Temp% and delete these files. But I would recommend that you use tools, internet options, and delete your browsing history for IE. You can also do the same thing if you use a different browser. Under tools, select delete recent Browsing History and delete all. Make sure you have your favorites and/or bookmarks intact for what you want to save, and be sure you remember your usernames & passwords for all e-mail address before you do this. That way, you don't have to struggle more to find those websites or have something worse, not being able to get into your e-mail. You can also do disc clean up under the same instructions above, except under system tools find disc clean up, but uncheck everthing except Temporary Internet files, not your Temporary files, you could have something very important in these files for a major program. Eventhough it can still be found, unless it's been overwritten, it's not worth the risk, but at least it will compress the old (C Files. Other than that if that doesn't help, it could be as easy as outdated drivers, or downloads that may not conform to your operating system. Also another place to check is, start, run, and put in dxdiag. This will show if your video and audio cards are working properly. If you're not experianced with trouble-shooting, then I would not mess with any of these functions in dxdiag. Just look at each tab and see down below, if everything is functioning properly. Hope this helps.
Agapelove68 0 Junior Poster in Training
RE: Slow computer laptop
I wanted to point out the most obvious possible problem. You have 2 different Anti-virus programs Avira and Iobit Security. These can conflict with one another. They can actually, to put it simply, work against each other. Your Avira sees your Iobit Security as a virus, spyware, maleware, etc/and/or vise versa. Both of these Anti virus programs contradict each other, thus causing, neither one to work properly. Choose the Anti virus you like the most and keep only one. If you can afford to buy one that is even a better solution. If you can't there are many free Antivirus software online that you can download. Be sure that you only have one Antivirus. I would advise you, not to make it know what you have for Antivirus software. Just some friendly advise. I would recommend something, but I'm not sure if I am allowed to name it or which ones to avoid. It's really to protect yourself and your computer. Do not type the name of your Antivirus software. Try to avoid anymore online scans, sometimes they are still in your computer, without you even knowing it. Having more than one Antivirus can be the major or main reason why your computer is slow. You can do a search for these from your start, then search. Just put down the name & check your whole computer, then delete them before you install a brand new Antivirus program. :)
poseidon32 0 Junior Poster in Training
no no,i use karspersky but i delet it,Iobit its not antivirus,it works with antivirus,it say the program itself,and from when i download this programs computer work a bit better ......
Agapelove68 0 Junior Poster in Training
Re: slow computer laptop
Did you try the steps above in the first thread? Disc Defragment, Disc Clean Up, deleting temporary browsing history, or check you dxdiag? If you have not tried those first suggestion, read it again, and try them. If that doesn't help then it could be a few of the following that is slowing down your computer. I'm sorry that I'm not familiar with that model of the notebook you have. Windows Xp is a good operating system, yes, especially Professional models. Right click on my computer, then click properties, and look under the General tab for the following information: If it's only a 32 bit, and only have a certain amount of ghs (gigahertz), is only a single core instead of a dual core system, and finally if it only has 2 G.B.'s (gigabytes) of Ram memory/memory Ram. If your notebook has plenty or more than stated, then it's a good system. It could be your video game itself. Whenever I download anything, I make sure that it configures to my computers operating system and other factors other than what I've typed in the above statements above. Under dxdiag, it shows you all of your sound and video codecs. Some of these video games take more than you think and you may even need a 3D card, especially if your video games require 3D. Another place to look is to see if your plug-ins are up to date, having the correct flash players, and other audio and video plug-ins are available for you to download. Look in the help section of your video games to see what the requirements are or where you downloaded it. Finally right click on my computer, click properties, then click the hardware tab. Under that you will see Your Device Manager, click on this it will show you if all of your computer drivers are working properly. Click on each + (plus) sign to expand all of these. If they say they are all in working order then your computer drivers are fine, working, and updated. On the other hand if there is a yellow ? question mark, that indicates that it's wrong or outdated. Depending on your computer experience, you can go further. Under the hardware tab, click Drivers Signing. This will let you know if all of your window drivers are up to date. If IE is your default browser, then you can click Windows update, if there are any outdated drivers. If you use another browser other than IE, don't get a windows update, you need a Microsoft update which can take time to search out for in the Microsoft-Windows catalog. Hopefully you won't have to trouble-shoot this last step, push start, and help and support, this will allow you to get a closer view of the functionality of your computer and more. But you can enter a search for a driver that is missing and they can offer suggestion and lead you in the right direction to find that update or driver. It can also take you to that website with your detailed search. I know it's a great deal of information, but I do know how frustrating it can be to have a slow computer. I've tried these steps in past times and one or more of these solutions have worked. Hope this helps. Let me know if it does, because this can help somebody else whom is experiencing the same problems as you are right now. That is why we are all here to help one another. :)
Agapelove68 0 Junior Poster in Training
Re: slow computer laptop
Did you try the steps above in the first thread? Disc Defragment, Disc Clean Up, deleting temporary browsing history, or check you dxdiag? If you have not tried those first suggestion, read it again, and try them. If that doesn't help then it could be a few of the following that is slowing down your computer. I'm sorry that I'm not familiar with that model of the notebook you have. Windows Xp is a good operating system, yes, especially Professional models. Right click on my computer, then click properties, and look under the General tab for the following information: If it's only a 32 bit, and only have a certain amount of ghs (gigahertz), is only a single core instead of a dual core system, and finally if it only has 2 G.B.'s (gigabytes) of Ram memory/memory Ram. If your notebook has plenty or more than stated, then it's a good system. It could be your video game itself. Whenever I download anything, I make sure that it configures to my computers operating system and other factors other than what I've typed in the above statements above. Under dxdiag, it shows you all of your sound and video codecs. Some of these video games take more than you think and you may even need a 3D card, especially if your video games require 3D. Another place to look is to see if your plug-ins are up to date, having the correct flash players, and other audio and video plug-ins are available for you to download. Look in the help section of your video games to see what the requirements are or where you downloaded it. Finally right click on my computer, click properties, then click the hardware tab. Under that you will see Your Device Manager, click on this it will show you if all of your computer drivers are working properly. Click on each + (plus) sign to expand all of these. If they say they are all in working order then your computer drivers are fine, working, and updated. On the other hand if there is a yellow ? question mark, that indicates that it's wrong or outdated. Depending on your computer experience, you can go further. Under the hardware tab, click Drivers Signing. This will let you know if all of your window drivers are up to date. If IE is your default browser, then you can click Windows update, if there are any outdated drivers. If you use another browser other than IE, don't get a windows update, you need a Microsoft update which can take time to search out for in the Microsoft-Windows catalog. Hopefully you won't have to trouble-shoot this last step, push start, and help and support, this will allow you to get a closer view of the functionality of your computer and more. But you can enter a search for a driver that is missing and they can offer suggestion and lead you in the right direction to find that update or driver. It can also take you to that website with your detailed search. I know it's a great deal of information, but I do know how frustrating it can be to have a slow computer. I've tried these steps in past times and one or more of these solutions have worked. Hope this helps. Let me know if it does, because this can help somebody else whom is experiencing the same problems as you are right now. That is why we are all here to help one another. :)
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