Hello All,

Hopefully somebody can help me with this problem that I have been having since August. In August my mouse-pad stopped working on my Dell Inspiron that I have only had for three years. To be specific the left pad. I sent it to Dell and tehy fixed it and all went well. However, after having it for less than a month, my keyboard begin to stop working from time to time and progressively got worse. I have been communicating with Dell and have sent it in to them twice and it still isn't fixed, they tell me that they can not duplicate the problem and nothing is wrong after they changed the keyboard the first time.

The mouse-pad has been changed and they installed a brand new keyboard. Sometimes the keyboard works, sometimes it doesn't. But after a while, once it stops working, it stops working and nothing can make it work again. Does anybody have any idea what this could be, could it be a keyboard virus or soemthing? Please help! Thanks!

does this only happen while the OS is running, or does it happen during boot up.
i.e. pressing F2 F10 F12 ..etc.

to test this .. before starting windows, ... , press F8, and choose Start windows normally.
keep on doing that to see if its from the OS or from the actual H/W...

if its from the win OS, then
go to device manager

uninstall the driver, and reinstall it (scan for hardware change)
if thats still doesnt fix it, then ... update your drivers from dell.com
or from device manager (click on the update driver software option)

hope i helped!
mark as solved ...if solved

Dell said that there was no hardware problem. And I can use the keys until theys top working. It normally happens after the computer has been on for a short time, no more than an hour

so did you uninstall, then reinstall your drivers?

Yes. Did all that, pc restore and all. New keyboard. Its just so random. The keyboard will work, and then it will just stop. Power button works, mouse-pad works, but volume buttoms and keys dont. I have no idea what this is.

So if this dell consists of all this problem, then how do one get correct product of a computer or keyboard that will last longer.*.

So if this dell consists of all this problem, then how do one get correct product of a computer or keyboard that will last longer.

ok, try to get a usb keyboard, and use it ...
if the problem occurs then that means it happens when smething is triggered (nothing is random!)
remove all unnessasary start-up programs (msconfig.exe)

and see when the keyboard stops responding (what program makes it stop) ... there might be a confilt.

I have seen this same problem before twice with 2 different reasons.
1st reason is the dell keyboard has a fault, Make sure you know for a 100% that dell changed the keyboard and have not just said this, Was there any marks on the dell keyboard that you notices before or after.
2nd reason is when the actual connector that connects the motherboard to your keyboard ribbon cable has a fault, This is normally part and parcel of the motherboard so it means a complete replacement motherbaord which normally means £200+ depending on models, So if this was happening under warranty then i would write a long letter, Talk to trading standards about this and get either your money back or replacement keyboard.

Did you tried any other keyboard on your laptop and try this keyboard onto other dell laptop or other PC. Install all the drivers again. Try these steps hope your problem will be solved

now days i am facing problems.my dell computer display and keyboard going to out off order than can any one tell what should i do.

I have been to other threads and you keep on stating you have problems. It is the truth, how can someone have multiple problems at the same time. Furthermore they are different.

What devices ahve you got connected to the machine?
Have you tried unplugging everything and seeing if the same problem happens?

Hi bal, may i know who you are referring to. Because if you are helping majestictaxis, there is not point. He got banned from spamming.

OK, I know this is a little unhelpful.

You have a Dell. Please give up now. Switch to an external keyboard, or, better yet, a better brand of PC - if at all possible to do so. I have 'fixed' 14 Dell laptops with this issue. with a hammer.

they tend to work for a little bit, then give up.





You are welcome. You were helpful and i do not want you to waste your time on banned poster. See you around the windows forums.

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