I need a software or any way to protect my CD from pirates.

I Developed a software and i am thinking to distribute it via CD,So i am in need of a copy protection method to secure my CD and Also my software.

Kindly help me as soon as possible,any help will be great

Kishore R

hi, aint gonna happen ,large software /gaming company can't stop it from happening i don't think you are going to .best you can do is copyright ,my opinion

I would password it and do like so many of the big guys do, give password to those that buy the cd

I would password it and do like so many of the big guys do, give password to those that buy the cd

i have never bought software with a password ,a key # touse to install it maybe ,but not a password ,having said that the key doesn't stop hackers from cracking you software

What you say is true, any hacker worth his pc will get by a password or key #,but it would help to detear someone not so knowledgible from trying to copy.

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