Sorry if this is carelessly posted but i keep having a constant problem when selecting something from a menu. after i click it, what i selected just hangs there half faded no matter WHAT I DO

HOW DO I MAKE THAT STOP? it happens every time i click something on a menu. it's driving me CRAZY! i can't refresh the desktop or anything. i have to go into display settings and change the resolution back and forth to get rid of it.

Please help...

and on a side-note. why the hell can't i upload a picture?

Sorry if this is carelessly posted but i keep having a constant problem when selecting something from a menu. after i click it, what i selected just hangs there half faded no matter WHAT I DO

HOW DO I MAKE THAT STOP? it happens every time i click something on a menu. it's driving me CRAZY! i can't refresh the desktop or anything. i have to go into display settings and change the resolution back and forth to get rid of it.

Please help...

and on a side-note. why the hell can't i upload a picture?

i think it caused by the three links in you signature ,they all go to the same blog with advertisments in it ,this is affecting you ability to think straight and ,and help you with the problem at hand ,did you try updatinf video drivers to the latest and greatest

hi, where the hell do you want to upload picture too ,heaven perhaps!

You have to admit this SS is a lot better than.............
"my fleagalnut need adjusting, please help me."
At least it sounds like assistance is needed on a real problem.

Ladyqween you question is not complete. I couldn't make out what you meant here. Sorry

Ladyqween you question is not complete. I couldn't make out what you meant here. Sorry

It was spam.

It was spam.

How do you know that it was spam. The question asked author look very much tensed and needs some answer here I guess. Might be she couldn't explain her problem properly here.

How do you know that it was spam. The question asked author look very much tensed and needs some answer here I guess. Might be she couldn't explain her problem properly here.

This is not the only post where the OP has copied word-for-word someone else's problem from another site.
I gives a form of legitimacy to the post, leading one to belive that the signature links were not the reason for the post :).

By the way, one cannot now see those links because the OP has been banned, which makes all his/her efforts in vain.

So sad.

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