I can neither copy nor paste text, either by pressing ctrl+C and ctrl+V or by right-clicking. Does anyone know why?

Can you tell us which specific application you are talking about ... and if its windows then what version of windows are you running .. and how long have you been into this problem ..

Member Avatar for Jonny435

Hey i have the same problem. I'm running windows xp and have never ran into this problem before and am stumped..

I cannot copy/paste in any program. not by CNTRL+C/CNTRL+V or by the edit menu or by right click.

Not in Word, IE, Notepad, or anything. Not even in this reply box

I cannot figure out what is causing this. I really need help fixing it.

I use cntrl+c/cntrl+v 100 times a day and now i can't use at all. It jsut happened this morning when i woke up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Hey i have the same problem. I'm running windows xp and have never ran into this problem before and am stumped..

I cannot copy/paste in any program. not by CNTRL+C/CNTRL+V or by the edit menu or by right click.

Not in Word, IE, Notepad, or anything. Not even in this reply box

I cannot figure out what is causing this. I really need help fixing it.

I use cntrl+c/cntrl+v 100 times a day and now i can't use at all. It jsut happened this morning when i woke up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


So where is the reply to this please ... I just started having this problem.

run a full system scan for virus and spyware, then go find your xp install disk.

go to start
type "SFC /scannnow"

that should check all your critical windows files to make sure they haven't been currupted or removed.

run a full system scan for virus and spyware, then go find your xp install disk.

go to start
type "SFC /scannnow"

that should check all your critical windows files to make sure they haven't been currupted or removed.

Um... I tried that, but it goes away too fast for me to read... o_O;;

And, yes, the same problem is going on with me. It's been like this since Friday. Which is odd, like the others say because I've always used Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy/paste.

open a command line window and type that command then. put your xp installation disk in the drive and stop the autorun.

If this doesn't fix your problem: There is something on your computer that spyware/virusscan is not catching. if noone has any other ideas, i would recommend backing up any files worth keeping, and doing a clean reinstall.

Well, I looked it up on Google, and I found the solution to my problem and now it works. And I don't know what a command line is... ^^;;

Hi Irock

Its great that you found the Soloution. Can you share it with us as we are all here to help one another.

kind regards

South Africa

Thanks Irock

Some good reading

I found a good fix here:


Removing AppInit_DLLS
Caution: While these steps should be safe to perform if followed correctly, you should never edit the registry if you don't feel confident or are unsure of what you are doing.

Important! Close all Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer windows.
Click Start > Run…
Type “regedit.exe” and press OK.
Get to the following location in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
In the pane on the right-hand side of regedit you should see a String called “AppInit_DLLs”
Take note of any value listed to the right of “AppInit_DLLs” as it may indicate you have malware installed.
Right click on “AppInit_DLLs” and choose Delete.

that scannow suggestion and restarting did it for me too, thanks!

Normally I have no problem but for this site: dutch recipes


Is there anyway you can think of to copy a recipe from this site??

Hi Everyone!!! I'm new here.
I have a problem when am trying to copy a picture from the windows internet explorer. When I right click to copy it a message comes up "Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and need to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience".Any ideas of how to deal with this..



There ya go. =]

Sorry if I took a while to reply. I've been busy lately ^^;;

HI I did everything you wrote down an I still can't copy or paste What else can I do?I have windows xp I don't know what happened,one day I could copy an paste an the next day I couldn't I hope you can help me

I wish I could tell you. I got vista, and it's doing it. Don't have any idea what to do. Gene

Hey i have the same problem. I'm running windows xp and have never ran into this problem before and am stumped..

I cannot copy/paste in any program. not by CNTRL+C/CNTRL+V or by the edit menu or by right click.

Not in Word, IE, Notepad, or anything. Not even in this reply box

I cannot figure out what is causing this. I really need help fixing it.

I use cntrl+c/cntrl+v 100 times a day and now i can't use at all. It jsut happened this morning when i woke up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


i cant copy and paste items i needa file to copy that i cant download need a solution really fast pls write me the solution pls need help if i format or reinstall i wont have that file pls

Hi Tasak and welcome to Daniweb,
You have piggybacked an old thread and I can not help you with the information you have supplied.
Please start a new thread and supply a lot of information about your machine, OS and your problem. What program are you having trouble with? What are you trying to do? What happens when you do it? Have you tried any fixes as yet? and as much other information so that the person here can understand what is happening and try to assist you.

Can you tell us which specific application you are talking about ... and if its windows then what version of windows are you running .. and how long have you been into this problem ..

I use WindowsXP home/prof versions

I've just joined the 'noncopy n paste' group. I've tried everything I know to move my pc to make that function - didn't realize how often I use it until the stinking thing quit doing it! I sure hope to hear from someone soon. Thanks a lot!

But Nanosani was so beautiful............
Thank your welcome.
Hi Michael2093870 and welcome to Daniweb,
You have piggybacked an old thread and I can not help you with the information you have supplied.
Please start a new thread and supply a lot of information about your machine, OS and your problem. What program are you having trouble with? What are you trying to do? What happens when you do it? Have you tried any fixes as yet? and as much other information so that the person here can understand what is happening and try to assist you.

As to what I'm trying to do and what happens. I copy then go to where I want the copied date, right click and a drop down menu appears with some options but it has paste grayed out and it will not work when clkd. It's really as simple as that. I have tried all the things I can do to make my pc move on and give me a paste.

I'm not as sweet as nanosani, michael.... and she posts so rarely, so...
This problem is often caused by malware, less commonly by a software glitch. To start with, may I suggest that you do this:
==Please download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
from: http://www.majorgeeks.com/Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware_d5756.html
or: http://www.besttechie.net/tools/mbam-setup.exe
=Dclick that file, mbam-setup.exe, to install the application,
-ensure that it is set to update and start, else start it via the icon, and UPDATE it.
Select "Perform QUICK Scan", then click Scan; the application will guide you through the remaining steps.
ENSURE that EVERYTHING found has a CHECKMARK against it, then click Remove Selected.
If malware has been found [and removed] MBAM will automatically produce a log for you when it completes... do not click the Save Logfile button.
Examine the log: if some files are listed as Delete on Reboot then restart your machine before continuing.
Copy and post that log [it is also saved under Logs tab in MBAM].
That should solve it. Of course, if it does not, posting that log will be trickier than is usual.....
To see if there are lingering problems next do this:
==download hijackthis: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download5554.html
-copy it to a new FOLDER placed either alongside your program files or on your desktop and then...
-in that folder start HijackThis by dclicking the .exe
-CLOSE ALL OTHER APPLICATIONS and any open windows including the explorer window containing HijackThis.
-click the Scan and Save a Logfile button. Post the log here.

I saw the 'good fix' posting but I'm too timid to attempt traipsing through the registries. I'm hoping for a simple way to fix my problem. BTW, I don't have 'issues', that's too trendy for me and I think it's an abuse of our lovely English language. I'm a simple guy, I just have problems, some worse than others. This seems like a terrific site and I'm anxious to do some exploring but my problem is causing me such grief I've got to get it fixed. I had no idea how often I used that feature! Thank you for your courtesy. I"ll do my best to pay attention and be a likeable dude. ]

Good-oh. Be guided by my post; it will be painless and stress-free, with very little risk to your system, and require no actual venturing into registry on your part. It encapsulates all the fixes mentioned by others, and more.
I could add that if you have trouble pasting the logs i requested then use the Go Advanced button and attach the two files. No copying, pasting required. See? I try for you... :)

commented: Terrific! Entertainingly informative. Now I'll look for that marvelous fix Gerbil describes. Happy Sunday Gerbilness! +0

Wow - and attention from and 'almost' Wise Mentor. I don't jest when I say I'm flattered and also grateful. Thanks, Bigtime!

Well if there are so many computer literate ppl to help us here, were is the answer to the problem?

Lashana, the problem is likely caused by malware; a good solution generally is to run MBAM. Malwarebytes AntiMalware.

Why, neoblizer are you posting something about "Happy Baby" here in this forum? What is the point of that?!? Why in different languages are you posting "Happy Baby" too?

Are your keyboards even working right? Did you people try to see if the keys are functioning?(No rudeness intended AT ALL!)

Member Avatar for galantjunior

Listen i have the same problem I can't cut copy or paste, i can but sometimes when i copy something from like firefox to word, i do CTRL-C and it copyes because i check within the browser but, when i move out of the browser i do CTRL+V and nothing happens i right click and the paste button is grayed out! i tried the steps above (except can command), I recently installed Avast IS 7.0 and Iobit game booster and Advanced SystemCare and optimized the computer. I did this before with previous versions of the programs and this has never happened. I hope you can help me

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