I am using windows 7 ultimate 32-bit edition,
But when I try to run any dos screen like command prompt, c++ compiler etc.

They are not going to full screen mode,
Please tell me how to run my c++ compiler or any dos screen in full screen mode ……in windows 7..

Thanks…. :-)

Hello DOS's can not run in full screen mode.

But to increase the size you may go for clicking top left icon >properties and change the appropriate size of windows.

I beg to differ... on my Win7 Laptop I can run the Command Prompt (Dos is not in Win7!) if the resolution is set really low, from memory I believe it is 640x480 or lower.

How do I expand my laptop screen for DOS windows

Full screen for DOS based programs are disabled in Windows7, but still if you want to use fullscreen use Dosbox software.


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This should of been marked solved by ikunu. quick resolution for making the window in a longer format is the windows key+up arrow

I beg to differ... on my Win7 Laptop I can run the Command Prompt (Dos is not in Win7!) if the resolution is set really low, from memory I believe it is 640x480 or lower.

Same here, When i read this thread, i run my laptop to see if its running and it does. I can view it on full screen mode.

I beg to differ... on my Win7 Laptop I can run the Command Prompt (Dos is not in Win7!) if the resolution is set really low, from memory I believe it is 640x480 or lower.

you are correct DOS does not in Win7 that's why back in windows 3.1 they started the MS-DOS which is your "Command Prompt" as you read now. Little knowledge and takes you far to know the old to understand the new.

There is no DOS in Windows 7 now.

It is now incorporated in a Command Prompt (cmd.exe) to support DOS Commands.
But not such and such as DOS in full-screen mode.
The latest Windows Display Driver Model(WDDM) does not support DOS in full screen now. Workaround: you may revert to an XP Version of WDDM if you insist still to full screen Command Prompt, or DOS, either.
But for me I do not recommend reverting to XP version of WDDM. It is really very tricky thing to do since you own a Windows 7.

Here is the Microsoft Support Link to know: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/926657

This thread should be markes as SOLVED.

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