Hello...I am having serious issues with my computer..I have been up here before and JHolland helped me clean my computer, I was having spyware issues...well I have kept my computer clean from all viruses using the knowledge that I gained from JHolland..but now I am having an entirely different issue. I keep getting Blue screens claiming their was a problem with win32K.sys page faults. I have searched around and checked the event viewer and I have a lot of White x's in red circles, so I know something is not right...please help, where do i start??

What events are showing in event viewer?

I just got this blue screen error
Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing video adapters. Check with ytour hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer.

STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0xBF87D8DC, 0xEDD050AA0, 0x00000000)

win32k.sys - Address BF87D8DC base at BF800000, DateStamp 4cc6d6a2

As far as the Event Viewer, In the Application Tab, the bad sources are as follows crypt32, Winlogon, ESENT, HotFixInstaller, MsiInstaller, Application Hang and Errors(LOTS of these).
In the System Tab, the bad sources are System Errors, Service Control Manager, Windows Update Agent, W32Time, Dhcp and DCOM.

And speaking of Windows Update, I have these same 4 updates that never seem to install, I install them the yellow shield goes away for awhile and then it comes back saying it wants to install the same updates again. They are KB979909, KB983583, KB982168 and KB2418241,They are .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 updates and .Net Framework 2.0 SP2 Security updates. Thanks so much for any help you can give.

How much ram do you have? How many sticks? What speeds?

1 Gb, one stick, PC3200

Do you have any spare ram that you could test with? I suspect either ram or hard drive fault!

No i don't have any extra ram, my computer just shut off with no warning...and the error report said that these files Temp\Wer025b.dir00\Mini010711-02.dmp and Temp\Wer025b.dir00\sysdata.xm

Google and get memtest and run it for atleast 7 passes. If you get any errors then your ram needs to be replaced!

If you are running Windows XP I am surprised that the updates failed to install. This is an issue more commonly incurred with Vista. Rik may be right, it could very well be your ram but it sounds more like a hdd issue. Windows will catch most ram errors before they damage the data on the hard drive and give you a blue screen, but it will say memory dump.

If you have access to a computer download and burn hirens boot cd. http://www.hirensbootcd.org/download.html

It is a great tech tool that will help you pin point what is going wrong with the system. Run the ram test first and if this does not turn up any errors then run a hard drive test. Test HDD works well and runs quick. If this turns up with no errors then the most logical/time efficent way to fix your machine is to reinstall the operating system, which it sounds like you may have to do anyways.

If you do not already have your windows product key then i would recommend using magical jellybean keyfinder to get it. Also make sure and get the version of windows that was installed on your machine to begin with (home, pro, oem, vlk).

Your title says it all. Something is dying in your computer. It is either RAM or the hard disk.

may be your CPU is overheated,, check your processor... when the CPU experience over heated it's automatically shutdown your PC to protect the system from damaged.

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